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  3. About the case that the number of inquiries about the standard conformity confirmation report other than PSE specified electrical appliances and supplies (round PSE) is increasing

About the case that the number of inquiries about the standard conformity confirmation report other than PSE specified electrical appliances and supplies (round PSE) is increasing

 2020/10/25 Column example Principles of authentication PSE
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

Recently, consultation of the certification (PSE) that I often receive,

I'm thinking of importing electrical appliances from China, and the Chinese production plant has already been PSE certified, but is this really okay?

It is a content that.

We cannot determine whether it is good or bad at that time, so please order the PSE certificate and standard conformity confirmation report (inspection report) that the factory says from the factory and present it.

If you say this, customers will also negotiate with the factory to provide PSE certifications and reports (PDF data), and the factory will provide it triumphantly because we think that our inspection contents are fine、、、

In fact, we have never seen a PSPE report in this pattern.

I always have some kind of problem, and when I tell the customer about that point, I want you to do something because you have reached this point! I received your request, and I managed to do it there lol.

This time, I would like to point out the problems of inspection reports other than PSE specified electrical appliances (round PSE) from the Chinese factory from multiple perspectives, and at the same time write how to solve them.

Why is the PSE (Non-Specified Electrical Appliance and Materials) report from the Chinese factory wrong?

I've told you a few times in this media before, but there are two main points.

Standard compliance confirmation report other than specified electrical appliances (round PSE) is handled by voluntary inspection

This topic has been covered many times, but even within the same PSE, there are specified electrical appliances and materials (rhombic PSE) and non-specified electrical appliances (round PSE), and the roughly big difference between the two is whether the registered inspection organization designated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry confirms the inspection contents.

The so-called rhombic PSE is obliged to be inspected and confirmed by a designated registered inspection organization, but the round PSE is not obliged to be inspected and confirmed by a designated registered inspection organization.

Of course, even if it is a round shape, it is okay to have a designated registered inspection organization inspect and confirm it, but you can freely choose an inspection organization in that area, and in some cases, it is theoretically possible for the factory to conduct PSE inspection by itself.

However, this is based on the premise that the factory itself can grasp and implement all the PSE inspection standards, and it is quite difficult for even Japan factories to clear them. Especially in the Chinese factory.

By the way, it is a flow diagram of PSE that has been frequently encountered many times, but there are many people who confuse "confirmation of conformity with standards" and "voluntary inspection" in round PSE here. The reason for this may be that this "standard conformity confirmation" is voluntary.


Not all inspection agencies in China (Hong Kong and Taiwan) understand Japanese PSE

There are many inspection agencies in China that are unsused. However, they are not all for Japan, but for European, American, and other Southeast Asian countries. Some of you may not have reached the standard level in the first place.

Of course, there are inspection organizations that provide services for Japan that are familiar with Japanese law, but it is also true that if there is no long-standing network to get to them, it is also true that you can not find it.

Even if the factory wants to do PSE certification in Japan, it is not possible to find an inspection organization that can fully respond, and it is most often asked to an inspection organization that has only a part of it.

And, of course, since the factory itself is not familiar with PSE in Japan, it seems that they believe that they are PSE certified by believing as it is from inspection organizations that are not well understood.

Can I still apply for PSE to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry?

I will explain in detail later, but as an important point, when notifying the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of PSE operators, inspection reports are basically unnecessary.

If you submit it, they will check the contents, but I don't think anyone will do something that they don't have to bother doing.

In particular, with regard to items other than specified electrical appliances and materials (round PSE), there is a premise that the business operator conducts the inspection by himself or herself according to the correct procedure, so the notification itself is not so difficult. However, it is also troublesome if you do not know the arrangement.

This is just our view as to why this situation is happening, but the Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law, the predecessor of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act (PSE Law), was enacted in the 1950s, nearly 60 years ago, and at that time Japan there was a major premise that Japan people in Japan would produce electrical appliances and materials while observing the rules.

After a certain amount of time from there, from the view that there would be no business operators producing so-called inferior products, the law was revised to the current Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law, which requires post-facto confirmation if there is any accident or the like under the notification system.

At that time, no one dreamed that there would come a time when factories would produce PSE overseas such Japan as China without a firm understanding of the PSE, and there would also be inspection agencies that confirmed PSE without fully understanding it, and the time would come when electrical appliances and materials that had passed through it would be exported to Japan.

Personally, I think that there is no need to shut out overseas countries, and that it would be good to update the legal system again to suit the current era, but that is the case at present.


What's wrong with the wrong report?

So, if you can apply to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, wouldn't it be better if there were mistakes or inadequacies in the contents of the report? It may be common to think.

Of course, you are right, but that is only as long as the products you distribute continue to work properly.

The reason why PSE inspection is necessary in the first place is that in order to ensure the safety of products, it is necessary for the business operator to confirm it himself from the stage of the design and manufacturing process. If the contents of the inspection report seem to be incomplete, I think it is understandable that there is a great concern about safety.

If sales continue in such a state, it can be inferred that there is a high possibility that some kind of defect or defect will occur in the product itself. And if the number is large, it will be complaints from users and distributors, and in some cases, it is easy to imagine that the voice of the user will be heard under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

In that case, there is a possibility that an on-site investigation by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will be conducted.

And when you are told, "First of all, I would like you to show me the PSE inspection report", if you know that there is no problem with the contents of the report and that you are following the official procedure, you may be allowed to respond accordingly.

However, if the content of the report is flawed, various problems will become complicated.

We have not experienced both patterns at the moment, and we have not asked the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry about measures to deal with such a situation. Of course, even if you ask, they won't tell you.

This is a hypothetical case based on our past experience and the interpretation of PSE's laws.

However, when we actually talk to our customers, we will tell them this and leave the final decision to them.

Then, most customers will be able to receive requests because they want to take measures against PSE firmly if they do.

Among them, the person in charge of the wholesale company is very familiar with PSE, and there were customers who wanted to do PSE inspection from scratch themselves rather than a suspicious report because they could not introduce anything that was not thoroughly inspected.

Since it is up to the customer to decide in what state the application will be made, there is no room for us to intervene in it, and we simply convey information that will be used as a basis for judgment.

However, if I dare to say in the position talk, if there is an incorrect PSE report on the Chinese side, it can be done cheaper than doing a PSE test from scratch, so I think it would be safer to consider various risks by taking all possible measures such as necessary additional tests.

However, there is no doubt that there is "certain material" of the fundamental part, so it is impossible to apply!?

I have told you that even if there are inadequacies in the contents of the PSE certification certificate / report from the Chinese factory, even if there is a safety problem, it is certain that you can apply for the project to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as it is、、、

In fact, from my experience of looking at PSE certification certificates and reports from Chinese factories so far, I would like to say that Chinese factories and inspection institutions in China that fundamentally do not understand PSE well do not prepare "certain documents" necessary for business notification to apply to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

They basically think that PSE is over if they do the inspection, so they will not notice this, and it is thought that they do not have the know-how to make "a certain document" correctly in the first place.

If you are interested in what this story is about, please contact us directly. I am not keeping it secret by any means, and if you read the web page of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry carefully, you will know what you need. If you are interested, please check it out.

It's easy to forget, but "voluntary inspection" is also important

The item "self-inspection" in the PSE flow. I mentioned that many people confused it with "standard conformity confirmation", which is the main theme this time, but what is actually necessary to do with "voluntary inspection"?

For those who are concerned after certification such as PSE, PSC, measurement method, radio wave law suitability, etc., five tips such as voluntary inspection are taught!

In short, importers need to "self-inspect" products based on the standards stipulated by the PSE Act when producing PSE electrical appliances at overseas factories and shipping (importing) them.

In this regard, "inspection" is not an inspection of the inside of the product or parts performed by PSE, but an inspection whether the product is distributed as it is, such as visual inspection and insulator inspection.

The report form of "Voluntary Inspection" is free, but of course the necessary items must be included, and factories and inspection organizations that do not properly understand PSE do not prepare it, and it must be arranged by the importer.

This is also the same idea as "wrong report", and it is possible to do business even if it is not, but if there is some problem with the product being sold and this voluntary inspection report is not stored, it may be subject to the guidance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

As it is our view, I do not know what it will really be, but in theory it will be like that. After all, if it does with chitin, it will be an item to be complete.


We propose a solution! If you do this, you can become a PSE operator without any problems!

If you have been presented with a PSE certificate or report (other than specified electrical appliances) from a Chinese factory, but are unsure of the contents, please contact us.
(1) Confirmation of certificates and reports
(2) Conduct additional tests on deficiencies and deficiencies, and add partial reports to the current report.
(3) Prepare the aforementioned "certain documents"
(4) Provide a format for voluntary inspection reports
(5) Application support to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
We will offer these as one package.

Of course, it is also possible to arrange to conduct a new test from the beginning.

To date, we have a track record of correcting reports that not only business operators but also Chinese factories can never understand, such as inadequate insulation tests, electromagnetic compatibility test deficiencies, inmatches between certification certificate contents and report contents, differences in power outlet standards, etc., preparation of "certain documents" for each, and redoing PSE inspections in the first place.

There are cases where it will be a paid consultation, but first of all, I think that you can feel free to talk to us once.

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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう


The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の人気記事をお届けします。

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