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Tiger Thermos Violates the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act (PSE)!? Case explanation and measures to prevent violations

 2022/04/23 Current Affairs example Principles of authentication PSE
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

This time, I would like to tell you about the case of a company that voluntarily recalled products due to pSP violations.

I know pse has to be defended, but what happens if you violate it?

I often get asked that question.
While writing legal penalties in such cases, I would like to describe the case contents of Tiger Thermos Co., Ltd., which has been found to have violated pse, consideration of the background of the incident, and measures to prevent business operators from becoming such a thing in the future.

Overview of Violation of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act (PSE) in Tiger Thermos

What kind of violation did Tiger Thermos commit this time?
I would like to introduce it in the form of quoting the article.

Tiger Thermos announced that some models of electric pots, microcomputer rice cookers, and IH jar rice cookers manufactured between March 21, 2020 and February 20, 2022, were found to contain materials that did not comply with the technical standards stipulated in the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act in the plugs in the supplied electrical cords. Replace the power cord of the target product free of charge.

The target products are some models of electric pots, microcomputer rice cookers, and IH jar rice cookers manufactured from March 21, 2020 to February 20, 2022. To date, it has not been confirmed that any product accidents arising from this case have been confirmed.

Replace the electrical cords of some products in electric pots and rice cookers free of charge. Photo: "Steamless VE Electric Broom Bottle < Tokuko> PIM-G300"

One of the target products "IH rice cooker < freshly cooked > JPF-A550K" (model with satin black color)

Quote: Home appliances Watch_ Tiger replaces electric cords for electric pots and rice cookers for free


Also announced in the company's company public relations

Notice of magnet detachable power cord free replacement
Apologies for violations of technical standards of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act

We manufactured electric pots, microcomputer rice cookers, manufactured by our company from March 21, 2020 to February 20, 2022,

In some models of IH jar rice cookers, the plug plug of the supplied power cord is stipulated in the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act.

It was found that materials that did not conform to technical standards were mixed.

Currently, we have not confirmed the occurrence of product accidents caused by this case, but we will replace the power cord free of charge.

From April 15, we plan to accept applications through our website and a dedicated telephone window.

Quote: Tiger Thermos Co., Ltd. _ Important notice regarding quality defects


Recall information is also described on the ministry of economy, trade and industry page

This case seems to have been considered to be quite a matter of great as a recall case by a major manufacturer, and it is described on the page of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

The details of the incident are overed because there are overlapping parts, but it is explained with a photograph which product throat model number is actually subject to recall. As a company, it will be a crushing face.

Citation: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry_Recall Information


Penalties and actual penalties for violating the PSE

These violations threaten the safety of users. On the other hand, the company has decided to collect products, but what kind of penal provisions are there if you violate PSE in the first place?

The Order to Prevent Hazards under the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act (Article 42-5 of the Act) stipulates the following.

When a notified business operator or seller violates Article 27 of the Act or sells a product that does not conform to technical standards, the State may order the notified business operator and the seller to take necessary measures such as collecting them when it is particularly necessary to prevent the spread of danger and disability.

Citation: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry_Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act_Trial test and post-distribution regulation

These penalties include imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to 1 million yen or both, plus a fine of up to 100 million yen for those with severe content. It has become.

I think it's pretty tough, but in our experience working, we've never seen cases where we've been sentenced to prison or a fine, and basically we've been collecting products.

Of course, product collection (cash on delivery) will be quite painful as a company, and considering the cost of labor costs of the corresponding employees, the social credibility (compliance) of the company, etc., it will be a reasonable penalty.

By the way, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry not only accepts business notifications by business operators, but also periodically purchases products that are distributed in the market and performs business (trial test and post-distribution regulations) to check whether products really meet PSE standards.

Learn more.



Expert experts consider why the violation occurred

Parts that fall under the violation

"We announced that we found that the plug plugs in the supplied electrical cord contained materials that did not meet the technical standards set out in the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act."

When we ask our engineers about this,

Since the plug corresponds to PSE specified electrical appliances (rhombus PSE), it should always be tested by a registered inspection organization.

The fact that there was a violation about it might have mixed cheap materials for reasons such as cost reduction after passing the test. Basically, the parts to be used when passing the test are determined.

It was that. I don't know the truth because it is a view to the last,

The plug plug of the supplied electrical cord contains materials that do not conform to the technical standards stipulated in the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act.

The fact remains only.

Voluntary emails from Amazon that actually arrived at us

By the way, we know nothing about this, and we have purchased products on Amazon that may be violated before.

Here's an email I received from Amazon the other day.

[重要] Notice about products ordered in the past Thank you very much for using Amazon.co.jp. This time, it has been found that there is a possibility of defects with the following products that customers have ordered in the past. Product Name: Tiger Thermos (TIGER) Electric Pot SteamLess Power Saving VE Heat Insulating Tokuko 5L Black PIE-A500-K Defects: The manufacturer has responded because it was found that the material of the power cord plug was different and that technical standards were non-compliant. Since there is a possibility that the product purchased by the customer may be applicable, please check the following official website for details such as applicable and non-applicable and how to respond. https://www.meti.go.jp/product_safety/recall/file/220415-1.html URL: https://www.meti.go.jp/product_safety/recall/file/220415-1.html Please confirm whether the ordered product corresponds to us. If you have any questions, please contact us at the contact information listed in the URL. If you ordered as a gift, please inform the recipient of this information.

Amazon is also pretty tough, so you have to accept refunds from the customer you offer. In that sense, violators will be a big loss. Above all, the trust of the customer will be lost.


Measures to prevent violations

These violations are often accompanied by a statement that "the occurrence of product accidents caused by this case has not been confirmed."

Then, it is late after the accident happens though it comes to be that it is not good because the accident has not happened.

In addition, there is a story that the PSE in Japan is uselessly strict and it is not necessary to inspect it that much if it ensures the safety of the product, but it is also a story that Japan's safety is maintained because it is so severe.

In any case, if you are selling electrical appliances and materials, it is the business's duty to ensure that much safety.

On the other hand, even if it is out of the question to sell something that has not acquired PSE intentionally, it is necessary for the business operator to confirm whether what has already been acquired at the Chinese factory is really correct or whether the factory is really continuing production correctly even if it acquires pse by itself.

It is also important to conduct independent inspections after production.

Let's keep Japan safe! I would like to say the big upper part, but if you know that there is a risk of violations that occur without thorough inspection, loss of credibility due to compliance, and removal from business partners, it can be said that it is a problem that you have to seriously tackle as a business operator.

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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう



The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の人気記事をお届けします。

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