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【Certification Q&A(4)】 Can you trust the Chinese factory such as PSE, PSC, radio lawful work? Volumes of

Principles of authentication PSC PSE Q&A Radio Law
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

In proportion to the increase in sales by Chinese sellers to Amazon Japan, chinese sellers who do not properly certify PSE, PSC, radio law, etc. are also increasing.

While the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications have tightened their crackdowns, they are also urging sales malls such as Amazon and Rakuten (e-Commerce) to tighten regulations.

As a trivia, under the current law, it is only the seller that has penalties for illegally selling products subject to PSE or PSC.

In technical terms such as e-commerce and real home appliance mass retailers, the side that "provides eaves" is basically not subject to penalties.

So, there is no legal problem even if illegal goods are unchecked in EC etc. However, in such e-commerce, the credibility of general consumers naturally decreases, so the current optimal solution is the form of "obligation to make efforts" for crackdowns.

In fact, the e-commerce side has been increasingly tightening its crackdown recently.

In addition, Chinese operators cannot enter real stores in the first place. Manufacturers (distributors) with a certain degree of social credibility are gathered, and the store side has also been closely confirmed, so basically there will be no illegal products.

Based on this background on the Japanese side, I feel that the Chinese side is becoming particularly aware of the PSE.

However, most of them are conscious and do not actually perform formal procedures in accordance with Japanese law.

There are many factories in China that offer fake PSE certificates, and inquiries from customers about it are increasing.

If you do not have the correct knowledge of certification such as PSE, PSC, radio law, etc., appropriate instructions cannot be given to the factory side, and it is yourself or the customer who will ultimately suffer damage.

In addition, the Chinese factory across the sea may be suspended from sales by the EC side, but it will not be punished by Japanese law.

Of course, instead of becoming hostile to the Chinese factory, I hope that you will build an appropriate relationship after familiarize yourself with the law.

Let's answer your question.

I heard that I am acquiring PSE from the Chinese factory I plan to trade, is it okay to believe it?

I can't say 100%, but you'd better think most of it was a lie.

Or maybe you realize that the factory itself is really getting it, but basically it's not accurate.

These are a lot of these questions these days.

Our response is to ask the factory to submit a inspection (PSE) certificate and inspection report.

The factory that says ,"I will show you if you buy a product" is definitely a fake PSE.

In my experience so far, when I told him that I would not buy it if I could not show it, I had no choice but to send the data, but the result was annihilation.

As a background for this.

Currently, products from all over the world are made at factories in China, and at the same time, there are many inspection organizations that respond to the inspection contents of each country.

Among them, PSE in Japan is a law only in Japan, for better or worse, so there are actually not so many inspection organizations that firmly grasp the contents of the inspection.

Even so, there are many inspection organizations that issue Japanese PSE certificates for work, and Japanese operators need to judge the authenticity of such things.

However, unless you are a specialist, I think that there are fewer operators who have seen real PSE certificates, and if you are told that "this is a PSE certificate", it may be more difficult to doubt.

However, even if you believe the words of the factory and continue to trade as it is, it will not pass by application for documents to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and if you go through the document application and sell it domestically, it will be very large.

We have the know-how to check the authenticity of certificates, etc., so if you encounter such a situation, please contact us.

The factory told me that it was okay because it is CE certified, but is it really okay?

This is similar to the previous question, but it is often asked.

CE mark

CE certification is a safety performance standard stipulated by EU law, and if it meets this, the CE mark can be displayed on the product.

As I mentioned earlier, China is a factory in the world, so naturally there are production plants that make products from eu countries.

Therefore, there are many products from the Chinese factory that EU manufacturers have CE certified.

When a Japanese trader finds it and intends to import it to Japan, the factory appeals, "This product is CE certified, so the quality is high, and it can be used in Japan."

On the other hand, there are many Chinese factories that do not know Japanese laws (PSE, etc.) and think that anything is okay if there is CE, and they negotiate with Japanese people, "There is CE (even in Japan)".

However, it is necessary to be careful that CE is only EU certification, and it is unrelated to Pse etc. in Japan.

No matter how high-quality products meet CE standards, it will be illegal to sell target products in Japan that do not have PSEs or the like.

I have heard that if it is PSE certification to ensure quality, it will be enough if it meets CE, but the exact answer is that Japan has Japanese standards.

However, it is the opposite, and it is a pattern that is not so much, but for example, if you say that you are acquiring a PSE, it can sell in the EU as it is, there is still no such thing.

It may be easy to understand that regulations in each country and region are like tariffs in a sense, and are a barrier to other countries' products.

I want to certify a product that I purchased before and is intact. Can I authenticate even old things?

There is no confirmation, but I think authentication is probably possible.

What is necessary is to prepare product information such as specifications and check whether there is a production plant.

First of all, depending on how long ago it was, in the case of previous products, the production plant may be lost.

In addition, there is a possibility that you need to change the parts used in the product in order to authenticate, and it is also necessary to confirm that.

With samples, you can also inspect the product before certification to see if the certification proceeds successfully.

However, if there is no factory already, take the product (sample) to another factory and check if there is a system to mass-produce the same thing. There is a separate charge from certification, but we also make such arrangements.

In addition, there may be a new type of the same product, so there is also a way to authenticate it again.

Pse's specific electrical appliances (commonly known as rhombus PSE) require inspection of production plants, but do I necessarily have to dispatch a Japanese inspection organization?

Since each product is on a case-by-case basis, it is not necessarily uniform, but it is possible to dispatch inspection agencies in China to the Chinese factory for inspection.

Of course, it is legal, and the inspection itself can proceed without problems.

If you do so, transportation costs will be considerably cheaper because it is in China, and hopefully it may be a day trip, so there may be no need for accommodation.

We have a network of inspection organizations in various parts of China, so we will use inspection institutions near designated production plants as much as possible.

Since it is relatively easy to adjust the schedule, we will avoid situations where the schedule with Japanese inspectors does not fit easily, and make arrangements in a short period of time as much as possible.

In addition, even if it is not possible to send a person of a Japanese inspection organization to China for some reason, or it is a situation such as a country ban, it can be completed in China, so authentication is basically possible without delay.

We have the know-how to reduce unproductive costs that are not directly related to certification, such as transportation expenses, accommodation costs, and travel time.

In some areas, there are questions about whether it is okay to outsource important inspections to Chinese inspection agencies that japanese inspection agencies go directly to, but it is not a concern.

The Chinese inspection body designated by our company performs inspections very strictly, and the inspection contents are confirmed by an international designated certification body recognized by Japanese law, so basically there is no inferiority to a Japanese certification body.

However, please note that inspections that require factory inspections by Japanese inspection bodies such as PSC can only be conducted by Japanese inspection organizations.

Recently, residential storage batteries and industrial storage batteries have become a hot topic, but do these also require certification? Can I authenticate with you?

First of all, it is a fairly large certification, but we can respond. We also have a track record, so please contact us with confidence.

For residential storage batteries, there is a voluntary certification called S certification, but only Japanese inspection organizations, JQA (Japan Quality Assurance Organization) and JET (Institute for Electrical Safety and Environment).

S-JQA and S-JET certifications are common.

Both companies have their own characteristics, but we have reduced the points of each company, so we will determine the inspection organization based on the request of the requester.

S-JQA certification and S-JET certification may be subject to government subsidies (SII: Environmental Co-Creation Initiative).

If you do not actually contact us, we will not be able to tell you, but in particular, as a differentiating point of our company, we have the know-how to greatly shorten the certification period.

In addition, PSE certification is also required depending on the contents of the storage battery (battery cell, etc.).
Frankly, it is necessary to calculate estimates for residential storage batteries, and to have a great amount of know-how.

Product information, such as specifications, is required for quotations. However, many customers use battery factories in China, and it is difficult to request product information from factories.

In short, it is difficult to convey difficult technical content in accordance with Japanese law to chinese people.

In addition, JQA and JET have many characteristics, so it is difficult to compare the two companies well, and in the end, there is a tendency to ask the person who requested a quote at the beginning.

Of course, both inspection organizations are very nice, and there is no problem in the inspection content, but there are still compatibility and detailed requests, so I would like to face such points after thoroughly comparing them.

Based on our past achievements, we can estimate a large amount of product information, and ultimately we can propose which inspection institution should be chosen.

In addition, you can check documents with the factory in Chinese (native), so communication is smoother and more accurate.

Residential storage batteries are one of the key energy policies promoted by the government (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), and will be increasingly introduced in smart houses in the future.

I hope that you will finish the certification necessary for the new business as smartly as possible and work on the next generation business to come.

\ SNSでシェアしよう! /

The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう



The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の人気記事をお届けします。

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