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  3. Stop Suddenly Independent! First of all, let's draw the growth curve of the business by the side job!

Stop Suddenly Independent! First of all, let's draw the growth curve of the business by the side job!

Entrepreneurship and side jobs Principles of Management
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

I'm writing similar stories in various places, but it's a very important topic, so I'd like to write it again as an article.

In recent years, work style reform has become called out, overtime regulations have become stronger, and side jobs of company employees who have been working on the premise of overtime until now have become a hot topic.

There are various types of people, such as people who work part-time with a simple pocket money earner, and people who do side jobs on the premise of starting a business in earnest a little.

In addition, as exemplified by the remarks by Akio Toyoda, president of Toyota Motor Corporation, "it is difficult to hire people for life", in today's era where the times are changing rapidly, the business model of hiring employees until retirement age as a company is becoming difficult.

It may be true that in order to protect yourself, the company employee (main business) has been doing it for a while, but the option of side job is beginning to become a reality.

On the other hand, there is an increasing argument from budding entrepreneurs that they should start independent businesses and enjoy their own business as much as possible because it is a one-time life.

I myself am a person who started an independent business from a salaried worker, so I agree with the option of becoming independent. However, I directly oppose the opinion that it is possible to start an independent business quickly without doing a side job in part.

Only a handful of people suddenly start a business and succeed, and while highly successful entrepreneurs are not side jobs, there are many patterns that are preparing to start a business fairly well.

I would like to write about how to take steps → side job → independence in the right way, and then the business will be advantageous.

If you don't spend more than your sales, your business will survive.

The principle of management teaches that as a general rule of management, businesses and companies will survive unless they spend more than sales. It is a natural story if it is said, but there are a lot of people who do not notice here easily.

These expenses include purchase, transportation, advertising, SG&A expenses, office rent, outsourcing, labor costs, entertainment expenses, equipment fees, seminar participation fees, etc. Also, strictly speaking, it is not an expense, but there are taxes, and if there is a borrowing, the repayment fee is included.

If there is monthly sales of 1 million yen, and if all the above expenses are added, if it is 900,000 yen, it will be a surplus of 100,000 yen, and conversely, if all expenses are added, it will be a deficit of 200,000 yen.

There are companies that are in the red no matter how much they sell, and some companies are in the black no matter how low the sales are. Although it has already gone bankrupt, daiei, a major general supermarket, went bankrupt due to the loss even if it had annual sales of 6 trillion yen.

On the other hand, as I mentioned earlier, a company with an expense of 900,000 yen and a surplus of 100,000 yen even if sales are 1 million yen will not collapse in theory. If you really think about labor costs, there can be no such company, but if it is a side job while doing your main business, this is possible.

The first goal is to aim here.

I often see people who are doing business as a side job instead of part-time jobs and who are fundamentally mistaken, but there is no profit from the beginning. It's tough, but this is the reality. More to the point, even sales don't go up easily at first.

Even if it sells, it will be in the red first considering various expenses. This is also a reality.

However, it understands what sells little by little, the expense for that is suppressed little by little, and the profit begins to come out there for the first time. In the meantime, most side jobs start by running without income or continuing their business while turning around the income of their main business.

To be honest, it is mentally difficult to continue business with a deficit resolution, but this is the way for everyone to go, and in order to endure that state, solid profits are required in the main business.

And don't spend as much expenses as possible, especially if you immediately pay for your own pocket money, the business will collapse in no time. Let's be careful about this point.

In the principles of management, this is called the principle of survival, and is the first step in our business.

First of all, survival is the most important thing.

There are two meanings of making a business alive, one for yourself and the other for you.

I think it is easy to understand for myself, but if the business cannot survive, it will go out of business and suffer various pains.

On the other hand, for customers, there are customers who use it no matter how small it is or buy products. And if the company or business is over when the customer wants to inquire about something or use it, it would be a big nuisance.

If you think that survival is not just for you, I think that we must take measures firmly. It is important to keep the business.

Try various things in the side job while you have the profit of your main business.

It's a big rule to get your business off the ground, it takes time. And even if you do the same thing for a long time, it will not develop, for example, you need to experiment with various things such as increasing the number of products handled, introducing new products, and trying out new equipment.

In the meantime, there are naturally few sales and profits. It would be nice if we could already secure a reasonable amount of sales in a different way, but if you are just starting a business, there is no such thing, so the existence of your main business will definitely be necessary.

After all, you have to try various things in the side job.

I've written this before,

The biggest strength of the side job is that even if you fail in the side job, you can get it back if you have a main job, and if you do not have the bottom of your main business for a while, you will not eat. In other words, it is possible to experiment, try and error in business without being fatally wounded.

Needless to say, business is always a failure, and it doesn't work out in one go. Most of the time, if it's a little better, it's going to shrink quickly.

That's why it's important to learn the whole picture of the business you're trying to do as a side job in practice.

Then, you will gradually understand the points to make the business go well, the points to fail, etc. And let's explore where the points where you can continue to sell and make a profit, and in which areas it will be a barrier to entry that others can not enter.

If you don't think there's a point anywhere, it might be a way to give up, saying that the business can't be done as a business (at least in your current resources).

In any case, this is often time-consuming, so it is important to continue steadily without rushing.

Side jobs are not only for individuals, but also for companies.

When it comes to side jobs, there is an image of individual and small businesses, but basically, the concept of main business type and new business type (sub-business type) is also common in companies.

First of all, there is a main business type that we started at the very beginning, and if it starts to stabilize with strength, it is a way of gradually increasing different business categories and making the business bigger. If the new business type goes well, it is good if it continues as it is, and if it does not work, it only stops.

For example, Rakuten and others have initially started from e-commerce malls, but since then they have participated in the card business, baseball team management, and, more recently, telecommunications projects. Companies are getting bigger in this way, and there are issues of scale, but the same can be said by individuals.

Entrepreneurial Attitude – CyberAgent From President Fujita's Blog –

An interview with Susumu Fujita, President and CEO of CyberAgent, is published in an online article in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (dated March 30, 2016).

The title of the article is "Misconceptions My Book Gave To Young Entrepreneurs (Susumu Fujita's Management Blog)."

Since it is a member-only article, it is necessary to register as a free member to read the full text, but it is recommended that you read the full text even if you take the time and effort of membership registration.

In the late 1990s, Mr. Fujita achieved his sales results at a company he joined as a new graduate, and established a company that became the predecessor of CyberAgent in the form of funding from the president at that time.

The remarkable success that followed became a lot of attention in the media, and it continues to this day. It is a pioneer of venture managers.

Each of his words attracts attention, but he is concerned that many people misunderstand his words.

Young people who longed for him and aspired to start a business said, "I decided to start a business after reading Mr. Fujita's book" and "I started a business without money or ideas in the book, but I am the same." And so on.

He was independent after there was a calculation that it was possible to eat enough even if it became independent, and the top was able to be taken in sales in the new graduate age because the work of the sales had been done for a long time since the university age, and a moderate base was completed when joining the company though it gave it to the article in detail. That's why he was able to get a good result from the beginning.

I'm skeptical of the media, which fuels that if I just work hard, I'm skeptical of the media, and I think that people who take those words and start an independent business without making any plans are reckless.

In Japan, it is often considered a virtue to start an independent business immediately without a side job in the media, but I think it is a story that reminds me again that people who are really successful are developing a solid strategy.

I think that it is not embarrassing at all to do the side job, and to not grow up even if it passes without a proper force.

Let's do our daily work while looking forward to the growth curve that will come someday

This is exactly the "business growth curve" that we often see in the business world. At first, even if you work on it, you will not get any results at all. If it is a company job that already has rails, if you do as told, you will get results and you will get a salary.

However, since the business you start yourself is zero-start, it is difficult to achieve results. Strictly speaking, the results of small accumulation have come out, but it takes some time for it to be returned in a visible manner, such as revenue.

Sometimes, I see people who are boying that no matter how much they do side jobs on SNS such as Facebook, they do not produce results, but I think that the amount of power and its length are fundamentally insufficient. Let's work on our daily business to look forward to the growth curve that will come someday without being misled by the words of these people.

The only thing to note is that if the market size of the business itself is small, or the work you are doing is only chores, there is a possibility that it will not grow even if it passes until how long.

It's not a good thing to work on, so let's make the right effort to lead to growth. In that regard, I think it is necessary to calmly review our daily work.

Be sure to join the local chamber of commerce and industry

Finally, I wrote this before, but I write it as many times as I want because it is important.

Whether you are a sole proprietorship or a corporation, be sure to join the Chamber of Commerce and Industry when you start a side job. There are a lot of benefits.

It is also good for the local chamber of commerce and industry where you are active, and basically the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is free to cross the border, so it is also a good way to belong to a large-scale commerce and industry association such as Yokohama City. The big one is even more advantageous by economies of scale.

For example, there is a group mutual aid, so those who can get insurance normally without a history etc. are far more advantageous than entering as individuals in general. I'm surprised at the cheapness.

It also provides loans related to the Policy Finance Corporation. There is a way such as having the commerce and industry association mediate rather than going to the public office alone without knowing anything usually. However, since it can not be responded immediately after joining, we strongly recommend that you join from now first with an eye on the future.

If you have any questions, please contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry directly or contact us.

Let's purchase various information and advance the side job advantageously.

Yoshitori Fukuda Market, Zhejiang Province, China, a shop full of lingerie cosplay is a masterpiece

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