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【Certification Case Study】 4000% goal achievement rate with Makuake! Radio Law supports PSE crowdfunding

 2022/04/27 example Principles of authentication PSE Radio Law
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

This time, we will tell you about the example of our customers who have made great success in crowdfunding innovation products from overseas.

I wrote it in the following article before,

We will partner with crowdfunding platform companies in licensing agency business such as PSE, PSC, radio law (technical suitability) etc.

Recently, when introducing overseas products through crowdfunding, certifications such as radio law, PSE, PSC, etc. are required, so there has been an increasing number of consultations that you would like to cooperate with us.

In response to the growing awareness of social compliance, it is now becoming very difficult to check in advance before the project. For example, it seems that you have to post a copy of the certificate on the sales page.

Under these circumstances, the customer successfully crowdfunded by finding products that matched the needs of the world, and perfectly clearing the necessary permits and licenses.

It is truly an ideal customer for our company, but in the future, for those who handle products that need permission and approval by crowdfunding, I think that there is a part that will be helpful, so I will cooperate with the customer and write an article.

Our customers

Company name: AG Japan Marketing LLC
Representative Director Sakae Akimoto
Business: Product planning and sales, import, wholesale, Internet sales
Company URL:https://www.agmk.co.jp/

We have established the following three business principles and are engaged in activities to spread many products.

We propose new products that make daily life richer, more active and comfortable than lifestyle

believe that our existence value is to make overseas products safe and secure so that Japanese people can use them with peace of mind.

customers, business partners, and us. We promise honest and honest dealings with the aim of making everyone happy.

Many products have been successful in crowdfunding so far.

This target product

Air Purifier airnova
Quote: Makuake sales page

airnova is a new technology "PNPO filter" that has evolved NASA's photocatalyst technology, and it is a next-generation high-power small air purifier that thoroughly removes not only the captured air but also viruses and bacteria in the filter, overturning the common sense of conventional air purifiers.

As the awareness of air cleaning in the room will continue to increase further in the post-corona, innovative products that overturn the common sense of air purifiers have become a hot topic at Makuake, and the target achievement rate has exceeded 4,000%, and it has been a great success.

This time, I would like to look back on the history of the request and authentication.

How did you request certification?

Congratulations on the success of this crowdfunding. Thank you for your request for our certification. We conducted radio law certification and PSE document procedures for AC adapters.

The first inquiry from President Akimoto was around October last year. At that time, I received questions about Japan's radio law and PSE.

I received it as follows as an impression in that case.

I came across a product that I was sure that users would be pleased with, but I realized that japanese radio law certification etc. are necessary because wireless is used in the remote control part. We have also experienced radio law certification until now, but as I will see later, I felt that this radio law certification was difficult to make overseas factories understand Japanese laws (radio law). It is absolutely essential to avoid causing trouble to users by selling good products. In addition, Makuake, which conducts crowdfunding, also asked us to submit documents that we know require radio law certification during the project. When I was thinking about what to do, I found INSIGHT WORKS on the net and contacted Mr. Hori. I thought that it was very easy to understand with advice based on experience, such as what is necessary for authentication like this one and what risks there are. At that time, I had not really decided whether to start the project, but I was thinking of asking Mr. Hori if I was going to do it. On the Makuake side, we were able to confirm that we submitted a contract with INSIGHT WORKS as proof material that we are promoting radio law certification.








When I had my first meeting with the head of the head office in the fall, I felt that he was very focused on compliance. I wanted to help such a person as much as possible, so I gave various advice.

As our company's Uri, we can provide real consultations based on a number of experiences, not on the desk. Especially for highly exposed media like crowdfunding, there should be no "authentication not being able to be done" later.

In fact, I have seen many such business operators, but it is the users and platformers who still cause trouble, and above all, it may be a loss of credibility in the future of the business operator.

If you contact us, we will give you advice on various things that do not happen.


Flow of radio law certification business

The unique point of this radio law certification is that the development was In Korea and manufacturing was China.

It is also on the crowdfunding page, but the developer is a Chinese engineer who worked for Samsung Korea for many years, and that person continues to work in Korea as it is. The Korean manufacturer gives production instructions to the Chinese factory.

Since radio law certification is granted to the production plant, the agency contacts the Chinese factory and arranges inspections, but it is difficult to contact the factory directly, so we decided to proceed with the test through all Korean engineers. It may be the biggest thing I asked INSIGHT WORKS to solve this part. It is a difficult overseas business, and since it gives instructions about Japanese laws to overseas factories across one cushion, if you do not understand it very accurately, I think that there is a high possibility that the instruction will be confused and the business will be derailed as a result. It was very encouraging because the Chinese acting practitioners of INSIGHT WORKS fully supported such points. In addition, japanese radio law certification required the submission of fairly detailed technical materials, and it seems that there was a little concern that this engineer would put out the materials to the outside, but such points were also familiar and they cared for it handily.




To be honest, I feel that the certification period has been longer than I had planned, but Hori-san contacted me as appropriate about the progress, so it was easy to measure the timing.

Since the start of authentication, there has been a Corona riot in both The Chinese New Year and Japan and China on the way, and as a result, it has taken longer than the normal radio law certification period, but it was good that authentication was able to be terminated just around the time when crowdfunding started and ended.

For those who handle products subject to certification by crowdfunding from now on

From my certification agency, it will be a position talk, but I think that necessary authentication must be suppressed.

However, platformers are not experts in certification, so if you know that certification is necessary for products considering projects, please feel free to let us know first.

To be honest, certification requires a decision to do so. However, as it is social compliance that must be observed as long as we do it, we believe that certification must be carried out without fail. This time, we were able to obtain solid certification and successfully finish crowdfunding. In the future, we would like to further expand our import business and deliver more interesting products to Japanese consumers in both certified products and other products. I would like to express my gratitude to INSIGHT WORKS for your cooperation this time. Thank you very much. Also, please consult us when handling certified products.



Thank you very much for your request this time. Our strength is that it supports not only the Radio Law but also wide-ranging authentication such as PSE, PSC, JIS, etc. Please feel free to contact us.

We wish you more and more.

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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう


The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の人気記事をお届けします。

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