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  3. If you don't know, you lose!? If you are concerned about PSE authentication cost and radio law authentication cost, we will teach you how to save authentication costs TOP5

If you don't know, you lose!? If you are concerned about PSE authentication cost and radio law authentication cost, we will teach you how to save authentication costs TOP5

 2021/03/13 China Business China Imports Column example Funding Principles of authentication PSE Radio Law
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Hello. It is the moat of the caretaker.

In this media, I have written a lot about legal systems such as PSE and the Radio Law, certification processes, customer examples, etc., but after all, the biggest concern of those who inquire is "certification cost" Are.

In particular, when introducing a new product, it is necessary to make a considerable decision to preempt expenses that are hundreds of thousands of yen for things that are not sure whether they will sell, or several million yen if they are not successful.

On the other hand, even though they know that the product they want to handle requires the PSE mark or the Radio Law, they do not want to take the risk of selling it without certification, but rather it is illegal, so they come to the judgment that they will not certify it.

It's not bad at all, but to be honest, I think it's a shame that we end up missing out on the business opportunities in front of us, and we honestly feel sorry for ourselves.

Since we are only a "certification agency company", we do not promise consulting on certification cost saving, but we still give advice on cost saving and financing in order to proceed with certification as advantageous as possible to customers.

I will write mainly about our actual examples immediately.

On August 30, 2021, we uploaded an example of the grant selection of our own PSE test.
Please also take a look at that.

[Authentication cost saving example! ] We used subsidies to save pse costs.


Pse etc. do not use Japanese certification bodies as much as possible

Please remember this story, but there are two types of PSE: specified electrical appliances and materials (commonly known as rhombic PSE) and non-specified electrical appliances and materials (commonly known as round PSE).

In the case of non-specified electrical appliances

First of all, if we talk about items other than specified electrical appliances and materials (hereinafter referred to as "round PSE"), there is no problem in terms of the system regardless of which inspection institution conducts the inspection of round PSE (confirmation of conformity with the standards). Ultimately, it is also possible to conduct in-house inspections.

However, since it is necessary to describe inspection items and inspection contents in PSE's inspection report, it is not possible to conduct in-house inspections without equipment and knowledge, and it is easy to imagine that if sales are made with a report prepared appropriately, the punishment from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in the unlikely event of a product-related accident will be quite heavy.

Have prior knowledge of such background.

In any case, I think that most of the people who do PSE testing for the first time will request certification from JET (Japan Institute for Electrical Safety and Environmental Research) etc. for round PSE.

Of course, that's fine, but in order to save money, we recommend using a high-standard inspection agency in China.

When you think of an inspection agency in China, you may have the impression that it is a non-existent elephant, and you may wonder whether it will properly inspect it, but at our company, super veteran proxy practitioners at a high-level inspection institution respond at a reasonable price.

Since the PSE test requires specialized knowledge and labor, there are many people who want to outsource it to an agency company, but if you use a Japan inspection agency and use an agency company, you will incur considerable expenses.

Of course, inspection agencies in China are not cheap, but in our actual example, there are many cases where it is about the same as the cost of Japan inspection agency even if it is combined with the agency fee.

Everything is on a case-by-case basis, but first of all, I think it is worth remembering that there are other options besides the Japan testing institution.

Especially if the production plant is in China, it is quicker to go in China than to send samples to the Japan for inspection. Also, the other day, I took the method of sending products from the American factory to China for inspection.

In the case of specified electrical appliances and supplies

Next, speaking of specified electrical appliances and materials (hereafter referred to as rhomboid-shaped PSE), this is basically the same as the round PSE, and there is an option to conduct the inspection at an overseas inspection institution.

However, since the inspection organizations that can perform rhombic PSE inspections are limited by the regulations of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, it is not possible to ask anywhere. Nevertheless, it is possible for us to select the best inspection organization.

Since the inspection of rhomboid-shaped PSE can be performed by a certification body that has been accredited by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the technical level is naturally high, and there is basically no problem even if you entrust the work to them. The only remaining issue is the language, but we can overcome those points as well.

Although it is an overseas inspection institution that has many good things, when it comes to rhombic PSE, the classification of electrical appliances that can be inspected differs depending on the inspection institution, so in some cases it is necessary to ask a domestic inspection organization such as JET. We can also advise you on such points.

I have the impression that we are just dissing domestic inspection organizations, but of course there are many advantages of domestic inspection organizations, and I think the most important thing is the premium of "certified by Japan". I think this is certainly a big deal.

On the other hand, if you are not particularly particular about such things, I would like you to consider using an overseas inspection institution as an option. On the other hand, there was a customer who said that after asking Taiwan TUV to transfer money, it was found that the test of the electrical appliance and material classification could not be done, and even the refund was not made. Please also remember that overseas inspection agencies are at risk like this. If you are going to do it overseas, it seems that the existence of an agency company will be necessary.

Use a Chinese inspection body for radio law certification

Next is Radio Law certification. As a flow of Radio Law certification,
(1) The designated certification body handles everything from inspection to issuance of certification certificates
(2) An inspection organization conducts inspection practice, and a designated certification organization issues a certificate of accreditation.
There are two main patterns.

To be honest, I don't know what kind of system the domestic certification bodies of Japan are taking, but what we recommend is a pattern of conducting inspections at the Chinese inspection organization in (2) and having a certification body such as the United States issue a certificate.

If you do this, it will be much cheaper. And the level of inspection in China is the same as the PSE part mentioned earlier.

The other day, there was an inquiry about the cost of Radio Law certification for products imported from a factory in China, and when I offered our usual estimate, I was surprised to be told that it was about half of what I had asked other companies in Japan.

In addition, the agency company has said that it will not communicate with the Chinese factory at all, but our company is half the price including the exchange with the Chinese company.

I don't know if it is a company that only knows the high route or if it is a lot of rip-offs, but of course, the customer who consulted us wants to ask our company, so we are proceeding with the discussion together with other derivative projects.

Speaking of Radio Law authentication, do not think that only TELEC can authenticate, there are various ways to proceed, so please grasp the information by all means and make it possible to authenticate by the cheapest route possible.

PSE charging adapter uses certified factory products

For products that do not extend the power cord from the product body and power the product is supplied using a charging adapter, the charging adapter is subject to PSE, not the product itself.

By the way, the electrical appliance classification is a rhomboid-shaped PSE DC power supply.

DC power supplies (charging adapters) are considerably more expensive than round PSE if you certify PSE from scratch, but in fact, there are many patterns in which (adapter) production plants in China have already obtained PSE certification.

The manufacturer of the product itself often purchases from an adapter factory that has acquired PSE certification, so in the case of a product that uses an adapter, is it PSE acquired from the factory? It's important to listen.

However, the factory side mistakenly thinks that there is no problem just by acquiring PSE, but in order to distribute it regularly on the Japan, separate paperwork is required.

It is possible to act on behalf of our company in that area, but it can be done at a cost of about 1/3 ~ 1/4 rather than normal authentication.

Alternatively, there is a way to give up importing adapters and purchase PSE-acquired adapters sold by Japan manufacturers in Japan countries. In this case, no PSE procedures are required.

It is up to the business operator to decide what kind of choice to make, but let's grasp these points firmly as knowledge.

They divide their costs

Tell the production plant the merits of Japanese certification and have them pay a part of the cost

It is an unknown story whether it will succeed or not, but I think that for example, you may try to propose a proposition of certification costs to the production plant.


As a factory, there are many cases where you just cooperate because they will buy the product, and you will refuse, but there is nothing wrong with asking about it, so it may be good to negotiate in that regard.

Maybe we can extract some advantageous conditions. It is also necessary to accumulate such experiences.

The applicant bears each other's burden

Even in PSE and the Radio Law, for example, even if two companies share costs, the certification holder will be the production plant. The agreement between the two companies will be quite important, but no matter which one imports and sells, there is no legal problem as long as the procedure is followed.

On the other hand, it is also possible to register the same product with a different model number (depending on the type of product). Then, it will be possible to share certified products among multiple companies by dividing them by model number.

We also have the arrangements and know-how to do these things, so please contact us if you are interested. However, if you do not take proper steps, there is a possibility that you will get into trouble with the companies you shared, so please be careful about that.


Raise funds as "certifying products necessary for business" instead of "certifying the product itself"

We cannot be responsible for the success or failure of fundraising, but when we introduce the methods that our customers are doing, it seems that when it comes to certifying products necessary for conducting business, rather than certification for selling individual products, it is sometimes viewed as "capital investment" by chambers of commerce and industry.

In that case, they will cooperate in encouraging loans to the Policy Finance Corporation, and they may also talk about subsidies and subsidies.

By the way, although it deviates a little from the theme of this time, it is not just a matter of Japan to issue permits and certifications. Similar species exist in countries and regions around the world.

For example, CE certification in the European region, UL certification in the United States, and CCC, CQC, and GB certification in China. Currently, there are cases where local governments subsidize certification for overseas exports, and even our customers have received subsidies for overseas expansion by local governments in order to obtain Chinese certification.

The point here is that certification for selling a single product at Amazon and Rakuten in Japan is treated as "purchasing", and if the product alone is promising, financing may be possible, but subsidies and subsidies may be difficult for single item sales for the domestic market.

Of course, whether subsidies and subsidies can be applied depends on the municipality to which the company belongs and the time of year, so it is not possible to say in a general way, but please be aware that such a direction can also be considered.

If you need an estimate to submit to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc., we can provide it, so please feel free to consult us first.

(Postscript) Try crowdfunding

While it is necessary to determine whether the product is worthy of crowdfunding or not, it is also true that you can expect a return on the amount of money, including the certification fee.

Specifically, please see our certified product crowdfunding examples.

【Certification Case Study】 4000% goal achievement rate with Makuake! Radio Law supports PSE crowdfunding

We've given you a quick overview of how to save on certification costs, but in any case, it's true that certification requires a fair amount of money. Most of them are prescribed fees, so there are few ways to dramatically reduce that amount.

However, it is also true that if you have a solid knowledge of certification, there are ways to find a cheap route or to raise funds. Certification bodies and general certification agencies do not respond to such financial consultations, so I would like you to consult with an agency company with a business perspective like ours.

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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう


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