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Pse mark, PSC, radio law (technical) etc., our case study collection that certification has been delayed from the plan

China Business Column example Principles of authentication PSC PSE Radio Law
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

This time, I would like to introduce some examples of our company where certification has been delayed from the normal schedule.

I wrote the reason for the delay in authentication in a recent article.

Who is the fault with the delay in authentication, such as the PSE mark, PSC, radio law (technical suitability), etc.? I will explain from our case study

He also wrote about a case where a customer was cut off by a delay in authentication.


The reason for the delay in https://principles-certification.com/2021/01/06/pse%e3%83%9e%e3%83%bc%e3%82%af%e3%80%81psc%e3%80%81%e9%9b%bb%e6%b3%a2%e6%b3%95%ef%bc%88%e6%8a%80%e9%81%a9%ef%bc%89%e3%81%aa%e3%81%a9%e3%80%81%e8%a8%88%e7%94%bb%e3%82%88%e3%82%8a%e8%aa%8d%e8%a8%bc/ certification is "factory non-cooperation and lack of capacity", as I have written many times. It is exhausted. However, I would like to tell you about the pattern of delay by writing some such cases comprehensively, rather than just "the factory does not do it".

To be honest, there may not be a certification agency in Japan that writes the shame part of the company in a sense that "authentication was delayed". However, I feel that the world of authentication is closed and difficult for customers to understand because there are no such case studies.

Our mission is to "democratize information in the world of certification."

By conveying the real information that is happening at the forefront of the certification business, we would like to create a foundation for as many companies as possible to challenge certification.

Against this background, we hope that by communicating our failures to you, we will increase our trust and help you from following similar ruts.

Radio law authentication does not start even if it passes until when

This is a request from a business operator who wants to be certified by the Radio Law in China.

I was talking about asking a certification agency in China to get certification at a factory in China, but the company does not work at all, does not coordinate with the factory, only time passes while requesting

So, we had a consultation with our company.

What we proposed was to stop the agency there and make it a different factory.

The customer wanted to authenticate with the product by all means, so they searched for a new factory and cooperated with radio law certification, so we signed a contract with us.

As a condition of the factory, the customer ordered 300 pieces because it was to first make the product and then respond to the certification. However, after the product was completed, the factory reported that they doubted that they could not provide test samples or submit technical documentation.

At this rate, 300 pieces of stock that do not sell in Japan are piled up.

Therefore, after consultation from the customer, we decided to hold an online meeting with the customer, our company and technical personnel, factory personnel, and our company.

The factory said that the company is an assembly plant, technical materials, etc. cannot be provided without the permission of the original supplier, and the supplier is reluctant to provide materials.

With regard to technical materials, we have arranged an NDA (nondisclosure agreement) with an inspection organization, so there is no worry of information leakage, and we will give advice on how to make test samples from here, so we were able to put together well on the spot.

Please note that all meetings are conducted in Chinese.

The customer was relieved to answer this, and after that, it was slow, but it was supposed to be progressing little by little, such as finishing the NDA conclusion, but the radio wave output of the test sample seems to go wrong somehow, and authentication has not progressed even after another 5 months from there.

All I can say is the ability of the factory and the unwillingness. Originally, since it is an assembly factory, I do not have the ability to adjust test samples and I do not feel the intention to do something for customers who bought 300 pieces.

I feel that it is like a Chinese that there is no desire for such a thing though it is possible to assume that it is the next order if it does well here.

In such a situation, what we can propose is that certification has not yet started (no costs have been incurred), so we will consider another factory.

We have the resources to find a factory in China, so we plan to use it to help you find a new factory. Of course, the first factory was suddenly able to make samples! It may be a story, so I feel like I will proceed in parallel at the same time.

What we can learn from this case is to talk firmly with the factory first, but you may need to understand a little about the humanity of the factory (person in charge). In addition, if it is difficult to judge only by yourself, we also provide a service for pre-online meetings, so please feel free to contact us.

P.S. While I was writing this article, I finally got a sample from the factory! There was a contact that. It's quite surprising, but I'm looking forward to the sample passing the test safely. Once the certification is successful, we will tell you as a specific case study.

Although it should be a major factory, for some reason the response is slow and has been certified for nearly a year

This is an example of a customer who has requested PSE certification for quite large machines in multiple types.

At first, each machine had different production plants, and there were quite a few factories in it, so can you really certify them? I remember feeling the anxiety that.

In fact, when certifying, when I asked the factory to provide technical materials such as circuit diagrams,

There's no such thing.

I was surprised at the shocking answer.

How on earth do you make a product?
To be honest, it has been a few months since customers were informed that certification was difficult at such a factory, or that they would discuss the factory again.

Eventually, the customer contacted us and consolidated the certification of multiple machines into one factory, and I think that certification is no problem because this factory is a major factory dealing with the world.

It was certainly a major factory as such, and I thought that we could authenticate with confidence, but it seems that pse certification in Japan seems to be the first time, and every time each inspection was performed, it was a continuous state of failure.

In addition, the technical department of the factory and the reception department of external communication are completely divided, and even if you contact from here, the receptionist responds amiably, but the technology continued every day that the technology was not moving easily whether the contents were properly connected to the technical department.

Even if the inspection agency contacts us, "What are the countermeasure samples?"

I don't know the inside of the factory, but I have the impression that I've seen that just because it's a major factory, it's not always quick to respond. Even if it is small, there are factories that devise and work on it immediately, so I think that the point is how much the factory will do independently.

As a customer, the response of the factory reception is good, so it seems that it will proceed immediately, but I felt that it was not progressing according to the expected schedule, and I misunderstood that we were not working and put a complaint, and when I explained the above again, everything seemed to be convinced.

We will tell you about this matter on a different theme.

I can't travel abroad because of the coronavirus right now, but visiting a local factory is the best way to do business (pictured is a factory in Dongguan, China)


Poor pse report content (1)

We asked you to check the contents of the PSE report held by the China factory and ask the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to help you apply if necessary.

Recently, there have been a lot of such requests and consultations.

As I have written many times in this media, the PSE report that the Chinese factory did independently is definitely something wrong. We knew that, and told our customers that there would be some deficiencies, so there would be a report correction.

I actually checked the report and found a few deficiencies, so I was proceeding with the arrangement to correct it based on the sample.

When the customer received the sample and checked it, it was found that the structure did not meet PSE standards. With this, I can not do pse tests in the first place, and if I sell such a thing, I will be subject to prosecution from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in no time.

I felt again that I should not trust the Chinese factory again because I am going to make a PSE report with this.

Therefore, we decided to hold an online meeting at our customers, our company (and engineers) and our china factory again. According to the China factory, we are making a PSE report with a new sample, so we decided to check it again.

And to prevent the same mistake from occurring, the first sample explained well why it does not meet pse standards.

However, since we were not able to do anything solid at the time of the original report, we are concerned that there will be another mistake even if we make a new product report. About two months later, we just received a report from the factory, so we are currently checking it.

Poor pse report content (2)

Recently, inquiries about mobile batteries have been increasing, and among them, there is a factory that already has a pse mobile battery report, and there was a request or consultation to confirm the contents.

I thought that there was some report failure without missing the many hearings, so I told the customer from the beginning that I would like you to proceed with the preparation of the sample for confirmation.

To be honest, the factory seemed to think that their report was proper, and I felt that it was not necessary to prepare samples, so things did not come out easily.

When I finally received the sample and added the sample and report again, it turned out that it had skipped Japanese PSE standards in the first place, and when I told him that I had to completely redo the inspection, I was not likely to be able to get the cooperation of the factory, so I decided to look for a new factory.
To talk about a little specialty store, there was a durability test for nearly a month in some of the mobile battery PSE inspections, but it was not carried out at all.

I felt that it was really like a Chinese factory that I would not do all the troublesome tests. Even so, I'm issuing a certificate with only the PSE logo, so I have no choice but to laugh.

When I talk about this, at least as our job, if we check the report carefully from the beginning, it will be shortened, but since it is still something that humans do, there is always a concern that if you do not have all the necessary materials, you will make a different decision.

I don't know how other companies are doing it, but at least we're doing this.

For this customer, we provide information such as technical materials and samples necessary for mobile batteries, and we are preparing for certification at the newly found factory with local suppliers.

I feel that we have ultimately taken a good turn. One of our strengths is that we can not only authenticate with the materials that come out, but also support our customers before certification.

A picture of a home appliance manufacturer in Suzhou, China (second from right is Chinese manager Chen)


The story that radio law certification was canceled on the way due to financial difficulties of business owners

Finally, I will write as a bonus, but this is different from the case of delay, but there was a request from a sole proprietor who wanted to authenticate the radio law of drones, and there was a story that canceled on the way even though the factory prepared a test sample.

At first, it was handled normally, and I paid a deposit for 100 cars, so I was breathing when I authenticated even if it was not.

Drones are about 1.5 times more expensive because they have a transmission and reception function than normal radio law certification. The story had been stories 2010, but after the online meeting with the factory, the factory took the time to prepare samples, but suddenly,

I'm a sole proprietor who flies if I blow, so I can't make money by all means

So there was a thing that was unicially canceled.

We have responded many times, but it is also true that we feel some resentment that we have not been paid any compensation for it.

Apart from that, not authenticating is not a big problem, but since I try to clean up with a single email involving people (business partners), it does not grow even after a long time, so the surroundings will move away from such people.

First of all, I think that it is necessary to confirm the certification cost, the method of the construction side of the capital, the prospect of collection, and move after it expects these to some extent, and if there is an unknown point, etc., we will accept it from that consultation.

That's why we try to keep a little away from the question of "How much certification does it cost?" when we consult. After all, such people do not listen and act as much as they listen, so if you devote time to it, the time for customers who are seriously aiming to expand their business by performing authentication will be reduced.

In the end, I was very sorry for the maybe position talk.

In any case, if you want to work on the authentication business, please feel free to contact us because we have various experiences that are smooth and some reason slow, and we can respond quickly to your issues.

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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう



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