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  3. As the world changes completely with the new coronavirus, the current situation and future prospects of Chinese business

As the world changes completely with the new coronavirus, the current situation and future prospects of Chinese business

China Business Column Current Affairs example Principles of authentication Principles of Management
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

In March of this year, I wrote an article about the new coronavirus that began to raging.

Current status of Chinese business due to the influence of coronavirus (Wuhan pneumonia) and future business style from the actual experience

Looking back on the article now, frankly, I feel that the economic stagnation in China, the site of the coronavirus outbreak, is temporary, and rather the subsequent impact of Japan is more immeasurable.

Since March 26, when I wrote this article, there has been a news of the death of entertainers, and it seems that the Japanese economy is moving in a rapidly negative direction, such as the declaration of a state of emergency for about two months, the decision to postpone the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, a new way of life that avoids three secrets, the full-fledged remote work, the second wave of the Coronavirus, and the sign of the third wave.

I will avoid talking about the global economy, the Japanese economy as a whole, and there is no place to stop, but I would like to tell you about the situation and future prospects of our chinese business and certification business, which are our fields.

There were many jobs that were no longer coronavirus, but on the other hand, there are products that have sold because they are affected by the coronavirus, and there are many customers who want to make new certifications and create business opportunities because of the coronavirus situation.

Because it is such a situation now, there are rather few businesses who wait until the economy improves a little, and the economic decline due to the coronavirus will definitely continue for a while, so I feel that there are many businesses who are trying to do something now.

Since it is based on explanations from our point of view, it is undeniable that there will be a position talk, but I hope that it will be helpful for future business.

As of March and April, things were sold just by being put out on Amazon.

As anyone who has been exhibiting on Amazon for a long time, luggage from China stopped by air and sea as of February 3 due to the coronavirus.

In addition, the number of businesses that can be delivered to Amazon has decreased dramatically, such as a delay in shipping even in April, delays in customs clearance, etc., and each store is missing.

The business operator who had been able to exhibit from the stage of February at the right time would have been in excellent condition at a change from the declining mood in the world.

In particular, if chinese sellers are dealing with rival products, it is temporary, but I think that there are more and more rivals and it has been monopolized for a while.

On the other hand, it was difficult for people who were thinking of importing and delivering after the End of the Chinese New Year in February, and in the end of the Chinese New Year, it was decided to extend the rest further, and even after that, it was difficult to contact the Chinese factory, and the logistics would collapse further.

When I think about it this way, of course, it is a post-emanation story, but the judgment at the stage before the Chinese New Year in January was greatly said. I decided to take a flight anyway before the Chinese New Year, or I thought that it was about two weeks even if it was called the Chinese New Year, so it was not late to load from there.

In fact, there were some customers I knew, and the luggage exchange was delayed at the last minute, and the supplier cried and decided to respond to the new year,but that was eventually a corona and two months late.

As a customer, I wish you were working a little harder at that time.

It seems that there are many Chinese importers who have been devastated by the state of such inventory delays until the end of May.

On the other hand, it seems that the exit of people who are doing the import business halfway is also continuing one after another, and on the contrary, it may be an advantageous time for those who are trying to start a Chinese business firmly.

However, what you can learn from this time is that there is a very high possibility that if you do not have too many business dishes in one place, and if you do not prepare multiple businesses and multiple deployment methods, the business will stop at once with one thing and receive that fuel.

Anti-coronavirus goods sold very well.

It was difficult to sell masks, etc. with resale regulations and hygiene standards, but those who got over themselves well and sold them at the right time seemed to have made a considerable profit.

In our case study, the products used when posting flyers at pop stand events and stores handled by our company have been selling stupidly since April. We don't say how many sales we have sold, but it's the highest sales ever.

Citation: Amazon_ [INSIGHT WORKS] POP stand (floor stand) Slide type for convenient length adjustment / Decomposable type convenient to carry (driver unnecessary) (body only)

I myself didn't really know what this was used for,

Like that, I found myself using it as a tool to raise vinyl to prevent droplet infection of coronavirus in stores, and I was convinced.

Of course, we know that our products are not used in everything, but we can only infer that they are used as well.

While some companies are being forced to refrain from operating operations and shrink due to the influence of the coronavirus, I also felt that there are things that are affecting the measures against the coronavirus in society depending on what they are dealing with.

As for my own feeling, I think that everything in food, clothing, and housing, and those that have a high profit margin in decoration but are not directly linked to people's lives and businesses, have been avoided and deferned.

On the other hand, what is directly connected to life, in an easy-to-understand way, it is infrastructure system, but there are many competitions and barriers to entry are high, but I feel that business will be much more advantageous if you can handle such things.

All certification requests from industries that are said to be unnecessary and non-urgent are gone

When we shifted the story to the certification business, all the stories of license authentication that were around January 2, 2020, and the beginning of March, were once lost.

From an industry-like case, beauty, interiors, entertainment, housing, etc.

The story of the contract proceeded, and the communication was cut off suddenly though it made an estimate and it advanced to the place where both parties stamped the contract, the communication was cut off suddenly to the place where it exchanged all the time by the telephone and it met with the chairman of the group, the communication was suddenly cut off, it called many times and the contact was cut off at the end, etc.

Apart from this, I know that the situation is the situation, so I don't have to contract separately, but I thought what it was like as a businessman that contact is lost. Because such a person remembers such an attitude when it tries to do something.

I want to be careful that the person's nature does not come out in such a case. Of course, I don't know the truth whether I actually got a bankruptcy or a close hit, so I don't care much about this either.

In any case, it is true that the authentication business, which needs to move a large amount of money before and after the declaration of a state of emergency, has temporarily declined significantly.

More requests for certification of anti-coronavirus infection machines

However, a little day has passed since the declaration of a state of emergency, and there has been an increasing number of notifications that they want to authenticate before they have been canceled yet.

I can not say the specific product name, but I received many inquiries that I want you to authenticate the radio law of coronavirus infection control machine from China, and there were many inquiries about machines that sold that it does not become three secrets such as drones.

In addition, although it is different from the original purpose, there were inquiries such as air purifiers for the purpose of disinfecting corona and certification of sprayers for spraying alcohol etc. at real stores outdoors.

In addition, although it is not directly related to measures against coronavirus, we also certified products that promote ICT (remoteization) of schools such as the wheel number power strip I wrote in the previous article.

After all, the tools and machines necessary for human life appeared at that time, and if electricity and radio were used for it, certification was inevitably necessary, and those who found business opportunities there were decided to invest funds even in this time.

More and more customers are considering certification in China

Originally, there were many companies that thought that if it was a Chinese product, it should be certified in China as it is, but on the other hand, customers with products manufactured in Japan are gradually increasing.

Until now, there have been concerns that sending products to China will result in plagiarism, and of course that remains the same, but more than that, there is a part that has become unable to protect the normal certification period due to the reduction of the sales system due to the time and personnel caused by the coronavirus of the Japanese inspection organization.

Of course, I don't know how long this will last, but in fact, while the speed of the times is increasing and the speed to the end of authentication is required, simply extending the authentication period can be a matter of life and death for companies.

Since many of the certification bodies are special corporations of the government system, it is not noticed that customers are flowing more and more while the business is shrinking in front of the order from the above in the government office. Of course, you may be aware of it.

Of course, there are some safety concerns, but it may be necessary to advance business more and more as the NDA is concluded with Chitin.

Chinese inspection agencies are confident enough to finish because they can handle urgent certifications if they pay well, and we perform strict certification quality checks.

In any case, from the perspective of speed, I personally feel that the separation from the Japan Inspection Agency is beginning to take place.

Prediction: In the future, the number of requests for certification of machines in line with the trends of the times will increase

It is a matter of course, but until now, in Japan, the world's third largest economy with GDP, if it is a product that requires certification, there has been a long time when it can be sold properly if it is properly certified.

However, the barriers between certification have also declined to some extent, in addition to japanese operators, that is, overseas operators can authenticate if they are companies with certain authentication literacy, and Japanese companies affiliated with such overseas operators have also appeared, and the market is exactly the age of group division.

I think that it will be difficult to sell existing products forever, and securing sales channels will be an important issue.

That is also important, but the perspective of introducing new products will also become important.

For example, from now on, smart houses using electricity and electric vehicles (EVs) will definitely be introduced, and the number of products accompanying them will increase steadily.

Then, since it becomes important to authenticate as soon as possible and put it to the market, we propose authentication with a sense of speed in response to customer requests as much as possible.

Backstory: Overseas companies are listening to opportunities to enter Japan after clearing Japanese law

This is not very much information, but it seems that more and more companies want to acquire Japanese certification from Europe and Asian countries and enter the Japanese market. We have a few such inquiries, but they are definitely increasing.

I will avoid specific stories, but as I mentioned earlier,Japan, the world's third largest economy with GDP, is a very attractive market from overseas (I would like to ask you to register as a reader if you are interested in such stories as we will tell you about such stories).

With the economy falling under fire due to the coronavirus, it seems that there is an urgent need to expand into the Japanese market, and he is actively considering entering the Japanese market. However, Japan itself is quite difficult, but even so, from the perspective of overseas markets, you may feel the potential.

I feel that the impact of the coronavirus is also reflected in this point.

In any case, it is true that companies around the world are aiming for the Japanese market more than ever, and it is not a low-level party like illegal Chinese sellers who have opened stores on Amazon, but a chitinous company is trying to enter japan after clearing the highly difficult certification.

It is not a story to do this right now, but such a point should be firmly suppressed as a business operator.

Summary Forecast: Companies that survive will be required to manage with a sense of speed for further survival

To be honest, companies that collapse due to the coronavirus will collapse in no time, and I think they have actually collapsed.

Even if there is some room for funds for companies that are currently surviving, there is no doubt that we will be in a situation where we are in a situation where we are ourselves tomorrow, and we will be required to manage with a sense of speed that responds to the changes of the times more than ever before.

Although it is not necessarily premised on dealing with products that are certified separately, even survival will become severe in the future if we do not build a business model that handles new things more and more while consulting with your own management scale.

Conversely, it is easy to imagine that companies that can do so will win more and more.

We don't necessarily need to be winners, but at least we want to survive our business and enjoy new business, and we would like companies we are dating to do the same.

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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう



The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の人気記事をお届けします。

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