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Imported in China, purchased by Alibaba. Secret negotiation techniques for successful certification of PSE, radio law, etc. in China

China Business Column example Principles of authentication PSE Radio Law
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

The art of secret negotiation for successful certification is the first answer,
People concerned are to have people talk face-to-face in local language (Chinese),
The certification requester is to create such a place.

I will explain how this happened.

When you receive a request, the most common consultation you receive is "Will authentication succeed?" or will I get a refund if it fails? It is that it is.

From the customer's point of view, it is quite worrisome whether the authentication you requested will work, but from the perspective of a person who has been involved in authentication practice for many years, it is basically impossible that authentication will fail.

However, as long as the production plant cooperates in certification.

I have told you many times on this site, but whether the certification proceeds well depends on whether the production plant cooperates.

There are many people who have the image that authentication is quite complicated, but of course there are some complicated certifications, but basically in PSE, it only performs inspection items established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in terms of the Radio Law, and we cover all such standards.

In other words, the contents of the certification test itself are decided, and of course the certification body and inspection organization understand the contents, and since we, which is an agency company, know the contents well, there is no reason why strange stories, authentication does not proceed, cannot proceed, that is, failure.

Again, as long as the production plant cooperates in certification.

For example, even if you fail the test once, the test will be proceeded without fail, although it will affect the test period somewhat as long as the factory prepares a new sample to pass the test. We also provide advice on such a case.

However, if the factory does not move, we can't proceed any further.

Of course, if the production plant is in Japan, I think that the requester can request cooperation in various ways, but if the production plant is in China and other areas, the level of communication will also decrease rapidly.

Even in such a situation, if you put it a little harshly, it is the client's job to attach a request for cooperation to a Chinese factory, and since our company and other certification agency companies work in the story, the fact that certification does not progress is ultimately due to a lack of negotiation ability from the client to the factory.

The only thing I can say is that, of course, chinese production plants also want to sell products, so there is a major premise that we intend to cooperate with Japanese operators as much as possible. This is true for almost all factories.

But why doesn't that happen? It is simply due to a lack of communication with the factory. From the client's view, I intend to have fully communicated my intentions, but in the first place the language is English using Google Translate.

Even so, the other person understands some English, but he is not convinced. In short, the person in charge does not move because the content of the story is not angry.

Conversely, if the other person is convinced, the story will go on and on.

This time, I will explain this point based on our case.

There is a reason for the factory in the factory.

Some people may feel uncomfortable saying this, but I feel that Japanese people still have a strong feeling that they are working for subcontractors to China (production plants).

In addition, because we are paying money, this is a customer, and there is a deep-rooted idea that we should absolutely follow the customer's request and say.

Of course, I do not deny that I felt that way until I started a Business in China.

However, if we have continued for a long time, we have had many opportunities to come into contact with factories where the conditions originally presented do not pass, and I have come to feel that there is an unreasonated request for this request itself.

In the first place, there are many types of "Chinese production factories", and there are original contract factories of manufacturers that have sales functions to consumers, subcontract factories that only produce by receiving orders from the original contract factories, and independent factories that purchase technical documents such as specifications and circuit diagrams to produce and sell themselves.

Of course, there will be affiliated factories where the client himself repeatedly outsources production.

There could be a different form of factory.

So, even if you tell the factory that you want to provide technical materials and cooperate with certification because you want PSE certification, the reply will be machimachi depending on the form of the factory.

On the other hand, even if it is a factory that contacted for the first time from Alibaba etc. without knowing anything, if you are lucky, it will be easy to authenticate cooperation in one negotiation, and there are cases where the story proceeds smoothly.

Anyway, it is premature to lament that the factory does not cooperate without understanding circumstances in the vicinity, and it will not overlook the information because the factory will leak the reason etc. which cannot cooperate if it contacts several times as important.

If you can ask why, first of all, let's consider whether we can solve the factory's case.

As a reason why the factory side can not cooperate, if there are not enough orders and more orders, the factory will be in the red, and technical materials are not unique to the factory, so we can not decide in our own way, etc.

Even if you make a mistake, you're going to be! Listen to the customers! The factory does not reply only if the attitude is done. There is a reason of the factory in the factory, and there is no need to go out with troublesome customers all the way over the sea in the factory.

I don't understand that, and the factory doesn't cooperate! Authentication failed! Even if you are a Japanese company, we do not want to go out with them very much.

First of all, let's listen carefully to the factory and think about measures on that. As long as you do business, think of it as equal to the Chinese factory.

And again, negotiating cooperation with the factory is not the work of a certification agency, inspection agency, or supplier, but a client's job. That part doesn't start with something that doesn't work in-house.

I'm often skeptical about the Japanese side.

First of all, it may contradict listening to the story and suggesting what can be done, but the factory side is skeptical of the content proposed directly by the Japanese.

For example, between our customers and our china factory,

Factory) Technical documents cannot be submitted because they are confidential documents, and certification cooperation will be made as long as the extent that the materials are not issued.

Japanese) If there is not all the materials, certification cannot be proceeded. For example, I would like you to conclude an NDA (Nondisclosure Agreement) with an inspection body and cooperate in certification. Of course, the arrangement of the NDA procedure will be done here.

Factory) We do not want to conclude the NDA because we do not know how far it will be complied with.

There was a question and answer. The Japanese representative was fluent in English, so the exchange was conducted in English. The person in charge of the factory was also able to speak English.

However, in the end, the negotiations broke down and we consulted with us, and we decided to propose it here and set up a forum for discussions between our certified advisors (experienced Chinese) and factory managers.

Is it really okay for the factory side to be suddenly told by Japanese people across the sea to connect an NDA? It is natural to get doubts that, and the adjustment of the number of sales will respond as soon as money moves, but if it becomes a little deep story such as confidential contents of the factory, the movement will be dull.

In such a case, what is necessary will be a native Chinese speaker who knows the circumstances of both the Chinese factory side and the Japanese business operator side.

Face-to-Face conversations between Chinese in native language (Chinese)

In conclusion, the negotiations were concluded in about 15 minutes.

At first, the factory insisted that confidential documents could not be sent out to the outside world, but when our advisor explained in Chinese that there was no risk in NDA with inspection institutions, they immediately understood and convinced us to accept the conclusion of the NDA.

Then, he promised to make an approval to the company on that day to conclude an NDA, and he carried out that promise.

We were very pleased with our customers and thanked us greatly.

The key here is why the proposal by a Japanese company was once refused and immediately convinced in the negotiations again,

・ Certification experts responded to the discussion and found that they could be trusted from the atmosphere

・ The same Chinese people talked with each other, understood the factory, and made proposals.

・ You have gained credit for speaking directly in Chinese on Face To Face

It can be mentioned, such as.

In addition, according to our certification advisor,

The factory representative has a blunt image at first glance, but he was very serious and sincere about his work.

It was that.

In other words, the factory also has their own position, so the more you try to work tightly, the harder the guard will be.

Rather, a factory called YesYes may face more annoying risks later on, so at first it may be trusted by an inflexible factory.

It was a long-running experience, but lol, we will be in charge of Chinese engineers who are familiar with Japanese certification like this, so in some cases we can be present in negotiations with the Chinese factory.

I was prepared to proceed with certification, but if you are worried because you do not seem to be holding with the Chinese factory in the liver part by all means, please contact us.

However, since it is necessary to set up a forum for discussion (online meetings such as skype and ZOOM) and actually negotiate, it is necessary to have that time, so basically it is assumed that you need authentication.

In addition, if you want to decide whether to authenticate after discussing by all means, we also support payment by meeting cost, so please contact us about that.

In addition, since we are basically a certification agency company, negotiations with such factories are the client's work, but we may accept it in a form that receives a separate cost from the certification cost.

This time customers also paid the authentication fee first, so we asked you as a separate service.

Skype meeting scenery


Supplement: Don't forget to thank you at any time

Finally, I would like to write about what I think is important when I work with a Chinese factory, although it is not directly related to the main subject.

At this meeting, I told you that the customer was overjoyed that the negotiations were successfully concluded, but the customer told the factory after the negotiation,

We would like to do business with your factory for many years to come, so thank you very much in the future.

When our technical personnel translate it into Chinese and tell it, the factory representative

"谢谢谢 样." (Thank you, this is it)
It said, and it waved with a smile.

Even in the Chinese factory, there is something to protect, so if you make a proposal from here (using the means transmitted to the other party) after understanding there, I think that there are few things that negotiations will break down unless you put out unreasonable conditions from the beginning.

It may seem suspicious from the agency to simply ask the question "Will authentication fail?" without knowing these steps.

Of course, when you consult with us, we will explain it thoroughly. In addition, it is not necessary to ask us just because you have seen such information, and I think that you can refer to it when contacting other companies.

We are working every day thinking that certification will never be difficult if we step through the arrangements.

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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう



The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の人気記事をお届けします。

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