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  3. [Certification Q&A (11)] We will answer the idea of whether or not authentication is eligible, such as PSE and PSC

[Certification Q&A (11)] We will answer the idea of whether or not authentication is eligible, such as PSE and PSC

example Principles of authentication PSC PSE Q&A
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

Are ○○ products eligible for certification without being investigated by ourselves? In principle, we do not answer vague inquiries, but of course, we have been investigated to some extent and answered questions about parts that we still do not understand.

If you have not been investigated, you will know that you are not willing to be certified in the first place, so we will not go out with it.

On the other hand, we will respond to customers' questions that they may not know whether or not they are eligible for certification due to problems of legal interpretation, based on our experience.

In fact, it seems that some companies proposed unnecessary certifications because they did not know the customer, and in particular, we had consultations from people who interacted directly with inspection agencies in China.

We said that the inspection that the inspection organization is saying is definitely unnecessary on the basis, but it seemed to have been certified for the sake of the sake.

I left the final judgment there.

This "just in case" is a song person, and there is certainly a so-called gray zone one that a clear division is difficult to understand in the thing though it was certainly made without being conscious of a Japanese standard in China etc.

Certainly, considering the risk costs that are said later by ministries and agencies such as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and users (sauce comics), it is one way to authenticate from the beginning.

On the other hand, there are many things that can be judged whether or not authentication is made by thoroughly examining the conditions in the text.

We propose authentication at the highest possible price to our customers with the stance of not wasting authentication as much as possible.

In addition, if it can be logically described as non-authentic, we also provide a service that asks the appropriate inspection authority to issue a certificate that "this part of this product does not require authentication".

Of course, there is no legal basis for that, but at least it proves that you are investigating and responding properly.

There are many things related to judgment on whether or not certification is possible, and examples are posted that have been directly confirmed by competent ministries and agencies.

However, since the views are basically divided for each product, this content is not used as a judgment material, and if there is a similar example in your product, be sure to check with the competent ministry or agency.

Please be aware that we are not ultimately responsible for this content.

Is the long-range measuring laser for golf psc?

In conclusion, it is considered to be not eligible for PSC.

The presence or absence of PSC targets for distance meter lasers, which are mainly used at construction sites and household DIY, has become a hot topic on the Internet, and it is often discussed that it is not applicable for business use, and if it is for general life, it is a target.

Basically, distance meter lasers emit laser beams (waveforms) that are subject to PSC. Among them

The Consumer Product Safety Act (PSC)

Because the products used primarily for the lives of general consumers are defined as "consumer products",

It is said that the judgment will change depending on whether the application is for business use or general life.

However, even though it is for business use, if there is a possibility of using it in general life, PSC will still be necessary. It is better to check with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for each product.

Going back, I think that long-distance measurement lasers for golf are not eligible because they emit lasers that are not eligible for PSC in the first place. In order to measure the distance of golf (driver), the distance is not enough with the laser of the PSC target.

However, if the distance is too long, there is a possibility that the Aviation Law may be involved, so please contact the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for that point.

In addition, distance meter lasers for golf putters have appeared recently, and it is difficult to determine psc targets and non-targets, so be sure to contact the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

This is a personal opinion, but there are many sites that look at various information on the net and try to assert whether or not authentication is eligible, but I think this is very dangerous. Legal interpretations vary, but it is the competent ministries and agencies that judge, so be sure to check there.

I would like to inspect a straight tube TYPE LED light, but is it a PSE target?

In conclusion, straight-tube LED lights are basically not subject to PSE.

Please refer to the following materials of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Reference: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry_Enforcement of revised Cabinet and Ministerial Ordinances of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act

Simply put, LED lamps with light bulb shapes are subject to PSE, and LED lamps with fluorescent lamp shapes (straight tubes type) are not PSE.

Even if the direct tube TYPE LED lamp itself is not subject to PSE, the electric light fixture used for installation may fall under the No. 289 "L.D.D. Electric Appliances" in the category other than specified electrical appliances and light source application machinery and equipment.

By the way, please note that AC type (direct tube type) LED stand (direct tube type) of AC type (power outlet extends directly from the product) falls under the same category No. 290 "desk lamp".

So, if it is a straight tube type, LEDs are not eligible for PSE! Please check what the electric light fixtures are without speeding up.

On the other hand, products that use DC power supplies (adapters) that have a lamp input current of DC (DC) (no lamp control device for AC/DC conversion) are not eligible for PSE. The adapter itself requires PSE.

As an aside, if we do not handle electric light fixtures in-house and manufacture and sell only direct tube TYPE LED lamps, we will not be eligible for PSE within our range.

In any case, the PSE handling of LEDs is complicated, so be sure to check with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry before making a decision.

What is this about the PSE display even in the product which seems not to be related to PSE?

You seem to be studying PSE quite a bit.

Certainly, I think that it is anxious whether the electrical appliance that you are going to sell is PSE target. An orthodox way to verify is to try out and buy a competing product.

However, please be careful when purchasing, especially on Amazon, choose the one where the seller is a Japanese trader. Chinese companies often download and use the PSE mark on the Internet for electrical products without knowing the PSE well.

I think that the case of the questioner is this case.

Of course, I think that there are Chinese companies that are doing it regularly, but there are many companies that are not, so if you have any questions, please contact the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in some cases it may be paid, but please consult us.

In that case, please send a photograph of the entire product and the PSE display part first.

That's how you can judge it.

The PSE electrical appliance and material category is for the ministry of economy, trade and industry arrangement, is it okay for the applicant not to worry about it?

Sometimes you don't have to worry about it, or you have to worry about it.

To be a little more specific about the case where you have to worry about it, the test items may change depending on the electrical appliance and material classification, and if you do so, you will have to respond.

First, I'll illustrate when you don't have to worry about it.

There are 341 types of electrical appliances other than specified electrical appliances, but among the categories "electric heaters", there is no.105 "electric coffee heater", while in the category "electric power application machinery and equipment", there is No.173 "coffee grinder".

When we receive inquiries, we are asked about the term "coffee machine", but at that stage, it is not possible to determine which of the above is classified.

However, in such a case, the basic PSE test items that operate using electricity are the same, so when you first conduct a test and apply to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, there is no particular problem if you confirm with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry based on the test contents.

On the other hand, in the category "wiring equipment" in the specific electrical appliances, there is No.44 "circuit breaker for wiring".

This is called a so-called breaker, and it is a function that automatically shuts down power (commonly referred to as a "power failure") when a certain amount of power capacity is energized.

For example, if this "circuit breaker" function exists in one product in other electrical appliance and material classifications, two or more PSE tests may be required according to the original electrical appliance and material category.

There are many Japanese engineers who do not know this, for example, "I am making no.102 "electric massager" in the category of 'electric power applied machinery and equipment' with breaker function, but I think that only one electrical appliance category is okay".

In such a case, if you explain that "This is also applicable to a circuit breaker for wiring, it cannot be said that the test cost will double, but it will take a reasonable inspection cost and effort", you may be mistaken if our company is rip-off.

In particular, if you want to import and manufacture innovative products that have never existed before, it is possible that the inspection contents will be complicated for the safety of consumers because the product functions are novel, so please try to collect information about what kind of inspection to do first.

Why is it difficult to determine estimates for inspections of specific electrical appliances?

It is a pretty maniac question, but lol, I also took it up to explain the characteristics of specific electrical appliances.

Simply put, specific electrical appliances have a complex internal structure, and various parts are used not only for large products but also for small products. In addition, the functions of parts are diverse.

And in PSE inspection itself, basically inspecting the entire product, the parts used themselves often need to be PSE certified or UL certified. And most of them are exempt from inspection if they are certified.

From the inspection organization side, of course, the necessary inspections are definitely performed, but unnecessary inspections are still laborious, and it is only a disadvantageous story for the applicant.

So, at such time, there is a request from the inspection agency to "Contact the manufacturer of this part and order a certificate if it is certified".

Such an exchange is repeated, and a formal estimate is decided. Ideally, if you can apply after having all the necessary documents from the applicant side, it is certain that the examination will proceed smoothly, but if you are not familiar with the inspection, it will be difficult.

In addition, if the inspection does not start if all documents are not complete, it is also the cause of the delay in the inspection, so our way is to present a rough estimate and make a deposit, and proceed with the inspection for the time being.

On top of that, we will refund the amount that the cost has been lowered due to some examination exemptions, and we will use a method of appropriating it to those that have been incurred in the middle of other actual expenses.

I think that the way of proceeding is different for each agency, so why not choose from such a viewpoint when inspecting specific electrical appliances?

【News】Released contents for professional and consultants!

We release content full of know-how for professional and consultants to propose authentication business to customers.

For details, please check from the link. It will be released on July 15th and will be available at a special pre-order price until July 14.

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