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  3. 【Certification Q&A(8)】How to return incomprehensible answers at The China Factory where "There is no PSE but CE certification" etc.

【Certification Q&A(8)】How to return incomprehensible answers at The China Factory where "There is no PSE but CE certification" etc.

 2020/05/18 China Business example Principles of authentication PSE Q&A
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Hello. It is the moat of the caretaker.

This time, we mainly focus on PSE, and in particular, we are talking about the discrepancy in communication with overseas manufacturers (factories) and the divergence in the way of work with overseas agency companies.

If you are a Japan business operator, the existence of the PSE (Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act), a law concerning technical standards for electrical appliances and materials under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, has become familiar to some extent. However, it is only at the level that the business operator has a little grasp, and it is almost impossible for any general user to know about its existence.

In addition, as a habit of thinking of Japan business operators, we sometimes see that they have mistaken that "Japan law is the standard of the world".

In that case, "I can't tell the factory staff to PSE, what's going on?" You will fall into the case of that.

For example, if it is a European certification called CE or a certification for the whole of China called CCC, there is a certain market scale, but PSE is only Japan Galapagos certification Are.

Compared to CE, CCC, etc., it Japan is said to be the third largest market in the world in terms of GDP, but it is not necessarily a large market from the viewpoint of the global scale, but on the other hand, it is not necessarily a delicious market from the viewpoint of overseas production factories because there are many unique technical standards and production lots are small.

If you don't understand that premise, the person in charge (of overseas factory) will not understand the PSE of Japan and it will be a bad factory! Just feeling the resentment of that does not move the story forward at all.

In fact, a common situation in inquiries such as new inquiries is that although I was able to contact the person in charge (who seems to be) at the factory, I could not communicate about PSE, so I asked (our company) to intervene and authenticate as it is.

In such a case, what we encourage customers to do is to change the way we communicate (such as the content of the question).

In short, the person in charge of the factory will understand most of it if you explain it in a logical way. Since it is also a business over there, they will show proper understanding and respond to stories that are likely to make money.

However, without any explanation, even if you suddenly say, "I'm going to take a PSE, so please cooperate," the other side will be "What are you saying, this Japan person?" and "It looks troublesome, so let's put it off."

It's the same thing for us, and if all of a sudden we are just sent "I want to certification." in English, we will ignore it 100%.

After all, it is necessary to explain that point firmly to the other party, and at the very least, you must understand PSE (certification). However, if you can not get that time easily, it is better to choose an agency company that has the ability to negotiate with the factory to some extent.

Basically, the inspection agencies do not negotiate like that. Inspection agencies only do inspections.

If it is a Japan factory, it is Japanese, so it may be possible to get through somehow, but it is necessary to have minimum knowledge to negotiate with overseas factories in particular.

I think that you can learn about it on this site etc., and if you have any questions, please ask the agency company.

I asked an overseas factory about "PSE", but I returned it with a different word like "CE".

This is exactly the same as I mentioned at the beginning, and basically it is better to negotiate on the assumption that the person in charge of the counter does not know about "PSE in Japan" at all.

Authentication, system, and various things are mostly abbreviation alphabets, so such words are barrage.

Even if you make an inquiry, unexpected words suddenly appear, and you may need authentication other than some PSE? Maybe PSE is unnecessary? There are often patterns of coming to our company to consult with us where various things are recalled and panicked.

First of all, I would like to say that there are various certifications and systems in each country in the world, but pse is the only compulsory certification for selling electrical products in Japan.

Keep this principle in mind.

Also, it is important to understand that the person in charge of the counter is by no means returning a different word.

Again, I don't really know about PSE in Japan, so it's faster to think that foreigners (Japanese) who have suddenly inquired using words they don't know are asking questions to the extent that they know.

After that, please refer to the example of the question content to ask to the person in charge of overseas.

In order to sell this product in Japan, it is necessary to have a unique certification called PSE.
I would like you to introduce your overseas sales, especially sales representatives for Japan and Asia.

As a point, (1) (If the person in charge does not know about PSE), I will briefly and carefully explain PSE in Japan. (2) The person in charge is not a technical person in charge, but a sales representative from Asia.

If you don't know about PSE in Japan, I have no choice but to explain it. However, there is no need for difficult explanations of the system. Let's simply tell them that japanese electrical appliances have a sales restriction called PSE, and then look at the other party's reaction.

Since people work at factories (manufacturers) over there, you know that there are sales regulations in each country.

In addition, for fear of leaking product information, technical personnel basically do not tell us. Let's have a salesperson (salesperson) teach you.


An overseas agency does not work for me, how should I do it?

There may be an overword to the word "don't work", but is it a feeling that the way of working is different?

For example, even if a Japanese (customer) wants to report once a week (even if it is common sense in Japan), overseas (China) agency companies may think that reporting is good once a month.

There are such differences in perceptions in some places, and apart from that, both are justice. The logic of listening to what you say because you are the orderer is of course established, but to say that, it is really difficult because all recognition must be enumerated and verified.

It will be a position talk-like way of saying, but if you think about such trouble, if you ask a japanese agency like our company, work will proceed without stress.

In addition, since the factory is overseas (China), there are people who think that it is better to make the certification agency in China in order to exchange in Chinese, but I think that is good, but if you do not ask a very proper agency, it will take time and effort three times twice.

First of all, as I mentioned earlier, I'm going to work with the feeling of the other side, so I can't really see when authentication will be completed. Basically, chinese people and others are doing their work with their own logic, so progress management is really difficult.

Secondly, there are many authentication mistakes (omissions and omissions). As I have said many times, PSE is a Japanese certification, so if an inspection organization that does not accurately understand Japanese certification does it, there will be a lot of omissions and omissions.

We have received many inquiries and relief from customers who have suffered such damage.

The recognition that there is no mistake because the inspection organization is doing it is very dangerous, and the certificate itself is issued, but if there is a deficiency in the content, it is often pointed out later by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and if you are poor, it may be an order to stop business.

However, even if you encounter such a thing, the agency agency of overseas people will not take responsibility, and even if that happens, it will only cut off contact.

Again, it will be a position talk, but the factory and inspection organization are no problem overseas, and I think that it will not be established unless it is overseas, but it is recommended that the agency choose an experienced Japanese company.

When answering questions, it is better not to basically ask an overseas agency.

Can I use it as it is if I have a PSE certificate obtained by the factory?

Inspections other than pse's specific electrical appliances can be carried out if the factory funds and asks the inspection organization, so when you contact the factory, there are many cases where you reply , saying that "Our factory has acquired PSE!".

However, the thing to be careful about is that just having the PSE certificate will not be effective.

First of all, it is a matter of applying to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and as a problem in the first place, it is frequent that the inspection organization makes a mistake in the inspection contents as described above.

Therefore, it is recommended to confirm that the contents of the certificate firmly cover the PSE inspection contents of the product.

The application procedure to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is OK only for the type classification, but if there is a deficiency in the inspection contents, and in the unlikely event of a product accident, the report etc. will be strictly confirmed with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, so if bad things overlap, it may be business improvement guidance.

Again, it seems that cospa is ultimately higher if you think about the future if you have a certification body such as JET in Japan and an agency like our company familiar with PSE without having to finish with confirmation only by factories and inspection institutions that do not fully understand Japanese law.

Do I have to apply for a PSE certificate or certificate with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry?

Citation: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry_Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act_Flow of Notifications and Procedures

This story corresponds to the part related to business notification "manufacturing" or "import".

In the previous article, I briefly introduced it, but I will tell you a little more this time.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry page says, "If you start a new business, you must submit a "business notification" to the Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry within 30 days from the start, etc.," but it is not written that a certificate or certificate is required for the notification.

Only the documents designated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the "classification of the type of electrical appliance and material" should be submitted.

The following is a cut-out of the type classifications listed on the PSE certificate for your reference.

The model classification is like the design book of electrical appliances.

Basically, this type classification is described in the certificate and certificate, so there are many people who submit the certificate and certificate as it is as a substitute, but there is no problem even if you submit only the type classification.

In addition, since the model classification is a thing to confirm and decide while inspecting, there is little point in producing the model classification first, and rather, the trouble of modifying and re-producing later may occur. In addition, by the time you sell the product, you must confirm the PSP standard compliance or conformity inspection, or both, and keep the certificate and certificate, so there is not much point in rushing out the application form and the type classification.

Therefore, most people basically submit an application form, certificate, certificate at the same time at the time of business notification.

On the other hand, since it is necessary to submit a business notification within 30 days from the date of business start when conducting the electrical appliance and material manufacturing business or import business, especially those who are engaged in the manufacturing business, there is a high need to submit a notification first.

In that case, you can report your business even if there are no PSE documents, so please check with the Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry of the jurisdiction for details and proceed properly.

Is the cost of PSE for commercial and household products the same?

First of all, as a point to tell you, there is no bracket of "for business use" or "for home use" in the category of electrical appliances and materials of P SE. 。 All are classified according to their power capacity.

So, if it's a high-capacity electric capacity, there may be a conversation that says, "It's probably going to be for business use."

In addition, there is a high possibility that inspection will be complicated because it is assumed that the product structure is more complicated for professional use or there are many switching functions.

In that sense, it may be common for commercial products to have higher PSE costs, but it may be possible to use high-spec products for business use at home, and vice versa, it can be assumed that relatively low-spec household products are used for business use.

Therefore, I think that if you do not divide it into commercial use and household use, but think about how the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry classifies electrical appliances and materials, product functions, power capacity, etc., you can prevent a situation where the estimated amount assumed and the actual inspection cost are completely different.

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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう


The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の人気記事をお届けします。

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