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[Certification Q&A (5)] How to deal with inspection organizations such as PSE, PSC, radio lawful work

Principles of authentication PSC PSE Q&A Radio Law
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

It has been a while since I started the certification agency business, but I often feel that there are many customers who do not understand how much the authentication cost will cost.

So, since we have received inquiries from our company, I am very grateful, but I will not name it, but I think it will be difficult to contact the famous inspection organization that exists in Japan.

In the first certification, I had no choice but to contact myself, and at that time I couldn't get back, so I contacted them without pretending to be it, but I still felt that the hurdles of the mind were high.

If you analyze the emotions at that time, (1) the fee is too unclear, so it is scary (2) The homepage is written carefully, but it is too complicated to reach the information you want easily (3) For the same reason, there is a need to prepare all the materials first, and it does not end by the time you contact
It comes to.

As for the reason for this, it is speculated that the main target is large and medium-sized companies that have basically authenticated many times, and it is thought that companies that are trying to do certification for the first time in the future are not eligible a little.

Of course, there is no doubt that contacting you will respond very well, but for those who do not have much expertise, judging only by the homepage may feel that way.

At least the first I was.

Based on our own experience, we try to provide our customers with value that reverses everything in (1) (2) (3) above.

(1) is clearly stated as much as possible, and (2) focuses on information that customers will want to know, not an explanation with a system.

In particular, (3), but if you have all the necessary materials for authentication and estimate it, the hurdle is too high.

The factory where the material is prepared will give the expectation that a lot of products will be bought from the beginning, and various adjustments become difficult for the entrepreneur from the beginning.

Of course, in the end, all the materials are required for the certification itself, but I would like to use only a minimum of materials as long as it is an estimate.

Also, based on your experience, you may find a rough estimate just by looking at the product.

This is our know-how, but if you are authenticating for the first time, but feel that it is a high threshold to contact an inspection agency suddenly, please contact us.

Now, I would like to answer your questions again this time.

Are there areas of goodness and disadvantage for certification bodies?

This is what I heard from a veteran engineer of a certain company that has already certified dozens of times, but even with similar products, the quality of testing was different between agency A and institution B.

After authentication, "certificates" and "inspection reports" are basically issued.

The quality of the test here is not the "certificate" but the contents of the "inspection report".

Only certificates are actually applied to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and inspection reports are stored by them. Therefore, there are many businesses that do not read inspection reports, but in the unlikely event of a product accident, the first thing that is confirmed is the contents of the inspection report.

Although the inspection contents are determined for each product category, there is no official or common format in the inspection report itself, and each inspection organization defines it independently.

So, perhaps there is no possibility that the inspection organization is inspecting with the wrong content, and the engineer earlier noticed the deficiencies in the inspection contents of the inspection organization himself and made an inquiry.

It is true that it is a story like a lie, and I think that the authentication beginner will be really anxious.

So, I will return to the question content, but in the first place, depending on the inspection institution, home appliances are strong, electronic components are strong, while American products are strong, and each has its own characteristics.

At the counter, it is supposed that any product can be certified, but it may be necessary to know in advance the good and poor points of each such inspection organization.

However, I think that it is also difficult, so I think that you can consult with us about such a point.

We are familiar with inspection items from many years of experience, and we have thoroughly confirmed the contents of the inspection report of the inspection organization, so please be assured.

Is it possible to get certification in a hurry because the release timing of the product is decided?

It may be possible depending on the inspection institution and the target product. In fact, when we received an inquiry from the customer if they could halve the authentication period, it was possible to pay an additional cost.

However, it was a story of the inspection organization in China, and it was a special case in the first place. However, it seems to be Chinese that they will respond if you pay as much as you pay.

On the other hand, japanese inspection agencies do not know unless they check.

However, authentication has the net duration of the authentication itself and the lead period before authentication.

The former is as the word, but in order to actually start certification, it is necessary to submit product information such as specifications and circuit diagrams and samples to the inspection organization.

I have it submitted from the factory, but the documents do not come out immediately, and if you need to confirm someone such as the superior to get out, or if there is a shortage of contents stored in the factory, you need to have them create additional.

In addition, for samples, it is not necessary to put out existing products as they are, but it is necessary to remake them for inspection.

It takes quite a while just to prepare them. Strangely enough, the preparation period may take longer than the net certification period.

In other words, when it comes to expediting authentication, keep in mind that it is not only necessary to shorten the certification period, but also to arrange documents and samples for factories in a hurry.

I would like to certify the measurement method for household scales, which inspection institution should I use?

Regarding the measurement method certification of scales, I will write one article again, but it is difficult to clear it with one inspection organization in Japan, and you will use multiple inspection institutions.

As a reason, there are inspection contents that can be carried out by each inspection organization, and there is no inspection organization in Japan that covers all the inspection contents of scale certification in one place.

Using multiple inspection agencies can incur a lot of money and time.

Therefore, we have partnered with inspection agencies in China to enable us to carry out all necessary inspections in one place.

We can greatly reduce the cost and time, so if you are interested, please contact us.

Are portable storage batteries different from mobile batteries? If not, please tell me how it is different.

From the etymology of English,
Mobile means that it can be used while moving, such as portability, while portable means that it is fixed to install and use after carrying it.

Mobile battery

Portable storage batteries (This product is good, isn't it?) )
Quote: ANKER "PowerHouse" from the Amazon sales page

Mobile batteries fall under non-PSE specific electrical appliances (round PSE), while portable storage batteries fall under specific electrical appliances (rhombus PSE) instead of round PSE depending on the output capacity.

In any case, it will correspond to PSE, but whether it is a round PSE or a diamond PSI, you do not know unless you look at the specifications.

Some people say that it is disgusting because the authentication cost is likely to be high with a diamond-shaped PSE, but on the other hand, there is also a point that authentication can be advanced advantageously than round PSE. We will explain the details, so please contact us first.

If I change the module (radio law certified) of a wireless product due to various circumstances, is radio law certification necessary?

I am not sure about the circumstances of each company, but there is an inquiry that we want to change only that module in wireless products that use radio law certified modules.

In conclusion, radio law authentication is possible, but it can be a little troublesome.

If you only want to change the module and use the wireless product, you may be forced to change it from the product schematic.

This is a fairly large-scale authentication.

Many people think that it is a simple authentication that changes only modules, but in fact you may need to authenticate from the beginning.

In addition to the radio law certification that changed the module, we can also support the creation of such circuit diagrams, so please contact us if you have any orders.

It has nothing to do with direct authentication itself, but do I have to authenticate whenever I contact your company?

Of course, you will not be required to authenticate. I don't even ask you for anything else.

In some cases, you may be asked to request a few months after providing a quote or advice.

In some cases, we may ask you to visit and see the products that are scheduled to be certified, or after we have talked about our stance and certification, we may receive a contract.

On the other hand, if the quotation content is complicated, you may be charged a quotation preparation fee once. At that time, at the stage of actual authentication, we will refund the order cost.

Everything is on a case-by-case basis, so I think you can contact us first.

Please note that we have written that please contact us in various ways, and of course it is true, but we simply do not answer the question whether your product corresponds to certification.

It is described so on our homepage.

As a reason, it is possible to understand whether or not it is applicable by examining it on the Net, and it is difficult for us to judge such ambiguous or not. In addition, there are many people who simply contact us as information gathering.

We provide services on the assumption that certification is judged to be necessary by ourselves.

It takes a lot of time to check whether or not authentication is applicable, so spending time there will cause inconvenience to existing customers.

However, if you want to confirm from whether it is applicable by all means, it will be charged, but I accept it if it is a request with estimate creation and a set. Please consider using that.

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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう



The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の人気記事をお届けします。

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