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  3. It was said that you were able to start a business → a side job because you thought chinese business was fun for those who are worried about side jobs

It was said that you were able to start a business → a side job because you thought chinese business was fun for those who are worried about side jobs

China Business Entrepreneurship and side jobs Principles of Management
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

In the principle of management, there are many ways to grow a business, but when choosing that business in the first place, it teaches you to choose what you are interested in, what you like, and what you think is fun.

In addition, it is said that we will check in advance whether the business has growth potential in the future. This is because businesses that do not grow in the market will eventually collapse, regardless of the individual's desire no matter how much they like it or enjoy it. I think this area is an important perspective.

This time, based on the principle theory and my own experience, I will write about choosing a story to start a side job or start a business.

China business started with the feeling that it was more fun than I liked

I started my own business from a side job. During my last salaryman's life, I had changed jobs about three times until then, and I decided to start a business without changing jobs anymore.

The reason is simple, and to put it negatively, I didn't like the crowded trains every day and every morning, which lasts as long as I'm a salaried worker, and honestly, my education is not so high and I don't have any work experience at all.

The workplace I was at at that time was like a high-spec group of educational backgrounds, so I would not have been able to go on in this environment, and in a salaryman society where there is no kiri no matter how much I aim to go up in the first place, I felt the need to give up somewhere.

On the other hand, speaking of positive things, I simply enjoyed Chinese business, such as purchasing things, arranging OEM, and actually selling products through various processes, so I came to want to expand my business around this.

However, as I can say, there is no such thing if you liked Chinese business from the beginning. Even Chinese knows only "Niihao" and "Shayshay". At first, I was quite annoyed by china, which only received defective products.

However, it became fun to business when it became stable because it became possible to find a suitable distribution route only by not knowing a proper distribution channel, and it began to examine China variously from there, and now I like Chinese business, and of course, I like China itself.

I was able to get to know the chinese people I respected and the Chinese I love. It is no exaggeration to say that the potential of China is unscruestible, and that our development is also with the Chinese economy. We will continue to enjoy and favorite Chinese business in the future.

To be sure of any doubt, there is no need for everyone to do Business in China. What I want to say here is that I had no feelings that I liked the business that I had put so far in at first, and for the time being I was working as one of the story of starting a business.

Yakikushiya social gathering with a Japanese president living in Shanghai (1) There are many rare ingredients and it is very delicious.
China's ordering system was a few steps ahead of Japan.

If it's not fun, the side job won't last long.

Naturally, there are many salaried workers around me because I have lived as a salaried worker for a long time. I did a side job from there and became independent, so I would say it myself, but I feel that I have often received envy from those who work.

Everyone will yearn for the style of working by controlling time by themselves, free from the company work where there are many unnecessary work such as daily crowded trains and waiting for approval by others. I also admired it a lot.

However, what kind of life I lived to realize this, if I got up in the morning and had time, I emailed china and business partners and went to work. I emailed china and business partners while PCs in the space where lunch break is also available. At night, we search for products (internet search), research, and create quotations for business partners.

On Saturdays and Sundays, the summary of the week and the summary of expenses. A social gathering with peers. If I can take paid leave once in a while, I will repeat my business trip to China every day. It is soaked in work together with the main business and the side job. However, I thought that it was fulfilling indescribably because it was fun,

From a certain person when I tell you that story,

I don't have time to play with all my work.

This is true from the person's perspective, and working-only life is never right. It depends on the person's values. On the other hand, it is also true that it takes a considerable amount of time to make the side job the main business.

Originally, everyone went through the school days while taking the exam and got a job in their main business, so I think that you spend some time to do your main business. On the other hand, even in the side job when independence is assumed, it is not possible to become a thing in such a short time, and I think that it understands naturally that it still takes a considerable time.

So it takes time for a side job to become independent. It is unavoidable to eat into the life perhaps if it is doing the main business.

If so, you can see that it doesn't last unless you think it's fun.

Of course, it is ok to do business based on what you like, but I do not know if I can do what I like to do business, and if I like it, I sometimes impose my hobbies and preferences. In that case, it is often unacceptable from the customer as a business.

Basically, the business at the introduction period is continuous work, so I think it is better to choose one that you think is fun to do.

If the market doesn't grow, there's no business.

No matter how much you think it's fun, your business won't grow unless the market you belong to grows.
I don't think this is fun because the more I do it, the poorer I get.

For example, I heard from someone who has been working in web production before.

At the dawn of the Internet, there were so many people who wanted to make a homepage, so it was very profitable. But now, there are a lot of rivals and it's a price reduction battle, and it's like a peraichi, and it's easy to use templates personally. The homepage isn't going to go away, but the market is saturated and only some frontrunners will survive.

Considering this situation, it is quite Red Ocean to enter the homepage system work from now on.

On the other hand, the Chinese business is still growing, and the labor cost in China that can be made is still cheap, and if you use Amazon, things can be sold to Japan, and new products can be easily developed using that know-how.

In addition, it is also possible to make it in China and export the final processed in Japan to the world as Made in Japan. Selling made in Japan products, which are highly regarded worldwide, to the world where the population is increasing in the future, the market is also growing at a good time.

The real pleasure of Chinese business is that you can build such a business.

It is up to the operator what kind of business they choose, but it is important to determine how the market they are trying to handle and its related fields will grow in the future and whether they will decline.

Also, even if the margin is small, it is nice to continue to sell, and it is fun if you make a profit with a simple story!

There is also an evil when the side job and the main business suffer the one as close as possible at all

I worked for an organization called the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and I applied for a side job and did a side job. Jetro, as the name implies, was an organization that promoted trade, but my department did not deal directly with trade. However, information on trade was touched every day.

Since I was a side job related to trade at that organization, there were many things that were for side jobs, and on the contrary, I personally feel that there were many situations where I could make use of the knowledge and skills I gained in the side job in my main business.

I think there is absolutely a synergistic effect between my main business and my side job, and I feel that it is necessary not only to become independent, but also to improve my qualities as a business person.

On the other hand, for example, if I had worked at JETRO and worked as a side job at a convenience store part-time job, it would have been a waste of time for change. Side jobs that have nothing to do with their main business may lower individual qualities before independence. If so, you should spend time studying to be able to make use of your main business without doing side jobs.

I also feel it is risky that my main job and my side job are the same. I think it is ethically difficult to make a customer you know in your main business your own customer or to do a side job based on confidential information that you know in your business, and there is a high possibility that you will get some kind of penalty from the main business side. I want to be careful about this area. 

Yakikushiya social gathering with Japanese president living in Shanghai (2) Tabletop grill is rotary and grills ingredients evenly

Let's gain experience handling things that anyone seems to be able to buy at first

The principles of management tell us that every day and every body should be selected as much as possible. In other words, if you deal with what everyone, young and old, uses every day, business will not wither.

If it's a pretty difficult story about this, it's just one or more articles, so just remember Every Day (every day) and Every Body (anyone).

The consultant who is dreaming of narrows down the target customer, but if you narrow it down, the number of customers will simply decrease.

There are ways to customize a certain number of selling products for a specific target, but if you are going to start a business, first handle products for many people in the field you will handle, buy, and accumulate experience as a business operator.

From there, business (side job) starts.

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