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  2. Principles of authentication
  3. For those who are concerned after certification such as PSE, PSC, measurement method, radio wave law suitability, etc., five tips such as voluntary inspection are taught!

For those who are concerned after certification such as PSE, PSC, measurement method, radio wave law suitability, etc., five tips such as voluntary inspection are taught!

Principles of authentication PSC PSE Radio Law
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Hello. It is a hori of the manager.

When all certification is completed, it will be sunny and sold, but as another hurdle of certified products, it is natural to say naturally, but it is necessary to observe the regulations of the jurisdiction ministries and agencies after certification.

However, I do not understand how to observe the regulation well.

It's littered with information and it's hard to know where to find it and how to find it. Frankly, it is the earliest to call the relevant organization and ask, but I will summarize the information to some extent on this page.

In addition, what you need to know most is that "trial test and post-distribution regulation" is carried out. Simply put, the relevant ministries and agencies purchase the certified products on the market themselves and check whether the display of PSE, PSC, radio law mark, etc. is correct or that there is no doubt in the product structure.

Basically, the relevant ministries and agencies do not teach you how to do it, so I would like you to grasp the outline alone on this page.

What are trial test and post-distribution regulations?

  1. Trial test

This is a text of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry regarding PSE, but there are other certifications in common, so I would like to quote it on behalf of you.

Test of electrical appliances The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, as part of its product safety policy, purchases commercially available electrical appliances and appliances and confirms the status of compliance with the matters stipulated in the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Laws and Regulations (compliance status of technical standards and appropriateness of labeling based on the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Electric Safety Act), and confirms the safety of electrical appliances and materials. We conduct trial tests every year with the aim of obtaining data that contributes to guidance and supervision of manufacturers and importers.

The trial test is as quoted, but the agency entrusted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry purchases certified products that are already in circulation (sold), and checks whether the PSE mark is displayed firmly or created according to the technical materials submitted to the inspection organization.

The trial test is not only performed on PSE, but also in PSC, measurement method, radio wave method, etc.

To be honest, the trial test is quite a maniac story, but it is essential knowledge as a business operator dealing with certified products.

In addition, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications do not teach about the trial purchase test at the time of certification acquisition or application.

If you have time to talk with the person in charge for a little longer, you will tell me, but basically there is no obligation to teach, so it is the responsibility of the business operator. You have to look it up yourself.

If you are interested in more information, please click here as we will post a link to the trial test page and materials under each law.

Of course, there are no SEO measures for each page, so it can be difficult just to find a link.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:PSE Trial Test Related Page

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:PSC Trial Test Related Page

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:Commissioning survey of the Measurement Act

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications:Radio Law Trial Test Related Page

If you are actually certified, I think that it is impossible not to display the PSE mark, PSC mark, radio wave law suitability mark, etc.

However, I think that it is better to check with the factory on a daily basis to some extent whether the contents of the product are actually made according to the inspection contents every time.

As I will explain later, the laser pointer (PSC) we dealt with was also subject to trial test.

At that time, the Product Safety Association was in charge. He didn't tell me what criteria he was subject to the trial test, but I remember asking questions and answering a lot there.

I'll see the episode in this case later.

  1. Post-distribution regulations

Under the Post-Distribution Regulation Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act, as part of measures to ensure the safety of electrical appliances and appliances after distribution, it is possible to "collect reports" and "conduct on-site inspections" to manufacturing and import notification operators and distributors.

Citation: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website "Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act _ Trial test and post-distribution regulation"

Because of the lack of knowledge about PSE among our customers, even if the contents of the product are fine, there is a deficiency in the display of the PSE mark, and we have received consultation.

We were subject to the ministry's crackdown, and we were asked to collect all the products sold, implement the correct PSE procedures, and submit a business improvement report, and we supported the correct PSE procedures and report preparation.

For example, when a malfunction is found in a trial purchase test or information is obtained when the product function is suspicious at PSE, PSC, etc., it is said that "collection of reports" and "on-site inspection" may be conducted to business operators.

In this case, the business operator is obligated to comply with the request of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

If you are dealing with authentication without understanding the law around here, you will have a hard time later, so you will need to study in advance.

If you are interested in more information, please click here as we will post a link to post-distribution regulations and materials under each law.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:PSE Post-Distribution Regulations Related Page

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:PSC Post-Distribution Regulations Related Page *See Product Accident Information Report and Publication System

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: Measurement Law *Unspecified, many initiatives by local governments

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications: Measures against illegal radio stations

In any certification, in the unlikely event of a serious accident, there is an obligation to report to the government or competent ministries and agencies.

In addition, as a business operator dealing with products with serious defects, there is a possibility that it will be announced to the public, so it should not end just because it has passed the certification.

Regular interactions with the production plant will be necessary even after certification, and in some cases, it may be necessary to visit the factory and encourage solid production to the factory.

To be honest, some people may think of stopping authentication because it's hard to see this.

However, as I have said many times, as a sales and manufacturer, you may also feel that you have to take these efforts in order to go to another dimension.

In addition to obtaining certification, we also provide support for the production system after certification. We also utilize local resources in China to provide setup services for factory visits.

I think that you can consult us once by all means.

What is PSE and PSC self-inspection?

Voluntary inspection (in the case of PSE) When a notified business operator manufactures or imports electrical appliances, it is necessary to perform inspections according to the inspection method prescribed by the government, prepare inspection records, and store them for three years from the date of inspection.

Citation: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website "Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law _Flow of Notifications and Procedures_ Voluntary Inspection"

In addition, the citation continues from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry page, but the contents of the inspection items are as follows. (for PSE)

Citation: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website "Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law _Flow of Notifications and Procedures_ Voluntary Inspection"

The contents described in the report include (1) the classification of the name and type of electrical appliances and types, the outline of the structure, material and performance, (2) the date and place of the inspection, (3) the name of the person who carried out the inspection, (4) the quantity of electrical appliances and supplies inspected, (5) the method of inspection, and (6) the results of the inspection.

The format of the report itself is free, but when working with PSE products for the first time, I don't think you know the format of the report in the first place.

In the first place, it would be impossible for operators to understand the inspection items of reports and create their own, and it is not a good idea to spend time on such things.

We also have templates for reports that we have used so far, and we can provide guidance on reporting to factories.

In addition, factories often have know-how regarding voluntary inspections, and we can also advise you on using the factory format to avoid burdening factories as much as possible.

The source was about PSE, but the PSC also asks for an inspection report. We also have formats, etc., so please feel free to contact us.

It is also possible to check suspicious certification products with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

When authentication knowledge such as PSE, PSC, radio law increases, and the company's authentication system becomes no problem to some extent, it is the trend of others that inevitably becomes worrisome.

When I'm doing it properly, I'm worried about the roughness of others.

To be honest, there are no users who are concerned about pse mark, PSC mark, radio law skill mark, etc., and it is usually a story of the foot tension between business operators.

We think that it is enough to comply with the law and sell it properly without worrying too much about others, but it is also possible to check with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry about certified products that are worrisome or suspicious.

You can search numbers from the website for radio law

As I have written before, I will introduce the radio law number search page of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

If you enter the radio law number as shown in the figure on the left and hit it, the name of the business operator and the type are displayed as shown in the figure on the right.

In the unlikely event that you don't call here, the number may be incorrect, that is, the item may be illegal.

Reference: Search for equipment that has received technical standard conformity certification, etc.

Testimonials about the trial test

Last but not only, I would like to touch on the test targets for the laser pointer (PSC) we discussed above.

In the middle of November, my memory was ambiguous, but I received a phone call from a person in charge of the Product Safety Association, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to conduct a trial test project.

Your presenter was subject to a trial test, so he said he would like to cooperate.

When we checked how we would cooperate, they asked us to provide technical documentation because we would purchase products ourselves.

The technical materials are stored in the Chinese factory, and it is a confidential document for the factory, so when you reply, you want the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to check the contents once, so when I asked,

If the submission was not possible, it was fine, and there was no disadvantage from it.

In the end, the technical documentation was not submitted, but it seemed that the product was purchased.

After that, I did not contact you in particular, so the trial purchase test probably passed. (Of course! )

It is a story that is not kept, but I thought that it would be helpful in the future to know the mechanism of such distribution, so I wrote it.


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The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の注目記事を受け取ろう



The principles of certification - PSE, PSC, Radio Law, JIS, Medical Equipment, Food Sanitation Law, etc.の人気記事をお届けします。

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